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Amnesty International UK
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Apr 27 2023 3:29PM
Inhumane, Racist, and Divisive: 5 Things You need to know about the Immigration bill

If you're concerned about the UK's latest immigration bill, you're not alone. The bill has sparked outrage and is inhumane, divisive, and racist. It carries far-reaching consequences that threaten to dismantle our asylum system and...

Feb 9 2023 5:39PM
Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians made PMQs last week - why this matters

This blog was written by Sacha Deshmukh, Amnesty International UK Chief Executive Yet another bleak start to the year for Palestinians After an exceptionally bloody start to the year in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian Territories, we...

Oct 26 2022 2:28PM
Anti-Racism Network

Our society is structurally racist. We have launched Amnesty’s Anti-Racism Network to bring people together, to fight for the rights that racism as an institution has taken away from people of colour. Together we are stronger.

Oct 10 2022 2:13PM
Is the Prevent programme racist?

Is Prevent racist? As part of our in-depth research project on Prevent, we want to know how the Prevent strategy is impacting free speech and the right to protest and how marginalised groups may be at a particular disadvantage.

Jul 4 2022 3:53PM
Why young voices are needed, and can make a difference

How young people and social media have positively impacted global movements and how Amnesty UK can help in uplifting voices of young people.

May 18 2022 10:24AM
The Human Rights Act Should Stay

Amnesty International UK Director Sacha Deshmukh's article for The Times on Thursday May 12 2022. The Human Rights Act should stay: current plans to strip it down leave the UK at risk of joining the authoritarian club.

May 4 2022 11:00AM
The new UK-Israel trade deal must not ignore Israeli apartheid

The UK-Israel trade deal should not depend on ignoring human rights abuses and apartheid. The UK should use its leverage in trade negotiations to enhance and protect Palestinian rights.

Mar 21 2022 11:04AM
Can YOU ask your MP to vote to support all refugees?  

Over 3 million people have fled Ukraine in just over three weeks, seeking safety and refuge in neighbouring countries and beyond. The conflict and its destructive consequences have opened many people’s eyes to what it means to be a...

Feb 24 2022 10:00AM
5 reasons to get involved with the Human Rights Act Consultation

Written by Tom Southerden The UK government is running a consultation on plans to scrap the Human Rights Act and replace it with a Bill of Rights. We are concerned that the proposals would severely weaken rights protections in the UK...

Feb 8 2022 2:21PM
Breaking Down Apartheid

Written by Amnesty UK's Racial Justice Lead, Ilyas Nagdee. Staying neutral is not an option The late Bishop Desmond Tutu is quoted as saying, “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”...

Dec 22 2021 6:00PM
Taking action in support of Amnesty’s Write For Rights campaign

Written by Diana Johnson MP - Chair of the Parliamentary Human Rights Group. I am pleased to be writing this blog in my role as Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Human Rights Group (PHRG) to mark Amnesty International's annual Write...

Dec 21 2021 5:09PM
Showing support to LGBTI rights organisations in Ukraine

Written by Crispin Blunt MP. As Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global LGBTI rights, I often speak to and hear from LGBTI rights activists from around the world – they are usually doing incredibly important work to...

Jun 24 2021 3:51PM
Israeli police used 'ruthless excessive force' against Palestinian protesters - new research

‘Discriminatory crackdown’ allowed Jewish supremacists to freely organise their own violent demonstrations ‘Tonight we are not Jews, we are Nazis’ - Jewish supremacists circulated extremist social media messages to organise attacks on...

Jun 21 2021 10:22PM
Undermining the goal of ending statelessness

This year, Amnesty International shares its 60th anniversary with the 1961 UN Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.

Apr 23 2021 1:27PM
Books Review: Windrush Child by Benjamin Zephaniah

Endorsed by Amnesty, Windrush Child is an essential read for young readers and adults alike. The book teaches about inclusivity and diversity and gives voice to a generation of Children whose stories had often been overlooked.

Aug 7 2020 4:44PM
Recognition of racism in the UK is growing

By Steve Valdez-Symonds Recognition of racism in the UK appears to be growing. Whether that will continue and produce significant change is a critical and as yet unanswerable question. What is certain is that real and lasting change...

Jun 12 2020 12:19PM
The Welcome Cinema

The Welcome Cinema + Kitchen brings together people from all walks of life – refugees, asylum seekers and the general public – to share food, culture and stories.

May 26 2020 4:30PM
Rise Up

We have now finished our third Rise Up session, and with one to go it’s fair to say it has been my favourite weekend so far. No cliché meant but it gets better every time!

Apr 24 2020 8:34AM
Saudi Arabia wants to do this deal with the Premier League as a PR tool to help cover up its abysmal human rights record.

It may not be for Amnesty to say who owns a football club, and it should not be for fans to shoulder the blame, but we can try to break the spell of sportswashing if we decide to speak out.

Mar 12 2020 9:49AM
Getting girls talking about coerced marriage

Mashiyath Qurashy, part of our Rise Up programme, discusses her campaign to raise awareness about coerced marriage in her community.
