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Gabriela Quevedo from Latin American Women’s Aid (LAWA) explains the challenges and opportunities for supporting Black and minoritised survivors of violence – who struggle to obtain support and justice from public authorities
Foreign policy should protect women’s rights as a core part of human rights and international law. This, says Conservative peer Baroness Helic, is part of the route to security and prosperity for Britain.
Lawyer and parliamentarian Lord Garnier traces the story of Europe’s Human Rights Convention and Court. He warns critics that moving away from it would create a massive headache for any UK prime minister – and leave us all worse off.
Liberal Democrat Irina von Wiese, a lawyer and civil rights activist, says the new government must reverse the creeping erosion of human rights in recent legislation and restore the right to protest in the UK.
Benedict Rogers - human rights activist, co-founder & chief executive of Hong Kong Watch, co-founder & deputy chair of the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission - argues that UK Gov needs a clear & consistent China strategy.
Francesca Klug, visiting professor at LSE Human Rights, asks if we stand at a watershed moment for human rights in the UK.
Deputy Leader of Birmingham City Council and Deputy Mayor of West Midlands Combined Authority, Sharon Thompson experienced homelessness as a teenager. She tells the incoming government to implement an effective housing strategy.
TUC Anti–Racism Officer Riz Hussain explains the harsh and insecure world of the gig economy and suggests solutions to improve workers’ rights.
Renowned lawyer and human rights activist Baroness Helena Kennedy calls for the UK government to use the ‘loudest and clearest voice’ on the global stage to prevent mass atrocity violence.