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You could be forgiven for joining many others in writing off 2016 as a terrible year, but, before you do, we would like to make a case to the contrary. Did you know, this year you helped us free more than 650 people – that’s nearly two...
By Georgie White, our online retail manager. ‘Ethical shopping’ has come a long way in the last few years. No longer purely the realm of the most conscientious consumers, or hardcore hippies – fairtrade can be affordable, fashionable...
Update: This action is now closed. It’s been a year since the shocking image of little Alan Kurdi washed up dead on a Turkish beach led to an outcry from the public and politicians against the UK's shameful response to the refugee...
In the last few days, reports of hate crimes in the UK have increased. We stand against hate no matter the source and no matter who is targeted. We’ve launched a campaign to urge local leaders to condemn these actions immediately and...
By Kerry Moscogiuri, Amnesty UK Director of Supporter Campaigning and Communications Sex workers are daughters, mothers, sisters and wives. They are husbands, fathers, sons and brothers. And every day they are at terrifying risk of a...
Iranian spiritual teacher and prisoner of conscience Mohammad Ali Taheri has been in pre-trial solitary confinement for five years, and has launched over a dozen hunger strikes in protest at his detention. His mother Ezat tells us of...
These are no ordinary men you see before you. These are seven of the bravest, most heroic people in all of Syria. And as Syria is just about the most dangerous place in the world, it’s safe to say that their courage is truly remarkable...
To mark World Day Against Cyber Censorship, Edward Snowden talks to us about how governments are watching everything we do online, and why we must bring mass surveillance back under control. Today, the government is granting itself the...
Credit: Jurgen Schadeberg www.jurgenschadeberg.com 1. “To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.” Nelson Mandela, South African civil rights activist Credit: Amnesty International Norway 2. "It means a...
With the lack of diversity in nominees dominating the Oscars this year, here's a list of film winners we hope you can get behind: our top human rights movies from 2015 (in no particular order). We're bound to have missed some, but that...
'I don’t know if this [making asylum application in France] is possible for me. But even if it’s possible to stay in France, I wouldn’t want it, I want to be with my family.' A fifteen-year-old boy from Afghanistan, now living in...
Update 3 February 2016: Your response has been incredible - thank you. According to our sources on the ground, access has improved considerably and people have been arriving at the camp over the last few days. However the camp is now...