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A Scottish angle on human rights and the human rights angle on Scotland.
Amnesty International Scotland's Programme Director Neil Cowan writes about his hopes and ambitions for the Scottish human rights movement in 2025.
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Welcome to our priority campaigns blog, with the latest news and more indepth analysis of our bigger campaigns.
Our priorities change as human rights changes around the world, and right now we're focusing on our Stop Torture, My Body, My Rights, and Save the Human Rights Act campaigns. But you'll also find comments and updates on our work on Syria, LGBTI rights and human rights abuses by corporate companies.
Interview by Kitty Melrose In 1990, the people of Nigeria’s Niger Delta started campaigning against Shell’s chronic pollution of their homeland. Thirty-five years on, they are still fighting for compensation and the remediation and...
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Shao Jiang, a former prisoner of conscience for his active role in the 1989 pro-democracy movement, is a committed activist-scholar, who lives and works in exile in London. The academic interests focus on politics and media, social movement, democratisation, feminism, law in PRC and Hong Kong, autonomy & sovereignty & self-determination, international human rights mechanisms, comparative studies on development models and political institutions, theory and practice of Civil Society. Publications include Citizen Publications in China before the Internet (Palgrave, 2015).
The CCP's repression of human rights and its obstruction of efforts to safeguard human rights have worsened human rights globally. The basic principle of human rights is that human rights are above any authority.
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Human rights from a Northern Ireland perspective, from the Amnesty NI team.
On December 4 2024, Patrick Corrigan of Amnesty International UK delivered the Stephen Livingstone Lecture 2024 at Queen's University Belfast: 'Human rights heroes – to equality and beyond! How activists can win the fight for justice'.
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Over the last 75 years, human rights have underpinned many of the positive transformations that the world has seen. Though we are currently facing many challenges, from unprecedented levels of homelessness to international conflict, we believe that starting with human rights is the way forward.
In this collection of essays, we bring together experts to present the case that, whatever the challenge, human rights provide solutions. Human rights are the answer.
Community worker Tracey Herrington explains why those with lived experience of disadvantage must take part in policy-making.