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Amnesty International UK
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Bring human rights to life for your students


Human Rights

The My Rights Passport, and accompanying activities, supports students to learn about and explore the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Rule of Law

Introduce students to the Human Rights Act and explore how human rights law impacts on our lives in the UK with our Everyone Everywhere cross-curricular resource pack.


Take part in our Write for Rights school challenge. Use our Power of the Pen resource pack to build skills in literacy, persuasive writing and self-expression as students write letters and express creative solidarity for a real purpose, for people whose lives are at risk.


Build your students’ empathy and an understanding of equality with our LGBTI Rights activity pack, exploring the human rights of sexual and gender minority groups.

Other ways we can support your school

Amnesty Speakers

No matter what your subject area, an Amnesty Speaker will bring human rights to life, engaging your students with gripping real-life stories and powerful films. Speakers can conduct assemblies, run workshops or deliver lessons and are available free of charge.

Continuing Professional Development

Integrating Human Rights Education into the classroom can transform teaching. Our training includes bespoke workshops and a three day ‘Amnesty Teacher’ training course for teachers looking to join a network of educators advocating Human Rights in their schools and communities.

Amnesty Youth Groups

There are over 550 youth groups all over the UK. Set up a youth group in your school and support your students to stand up for human rights.

Junior Urgent Actions

The aim of the Junior Urgent Actions twice-termly mailings is to encourage young people (aged 7-11) to write letters to help those whose human rights have been abused. Cases are age appropriate and include creative activities to help students engage with the issues raised. 


Join TeachRights and receive six e-newsletters a year, packed with new resources, training opportunities, news and competitions.

Primary Liaison

Our new transition pack allows Year 6s to demonstrate their literacy skills and prepare for secondary school by writing letters of appeal and solidarity cards. We provide everything you need to get children writing for real audiences and to demand real change.

Amnesty CILIP Honour

The CILIP Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Medals are the UK's oldest and most prestigious children's book awards. Start a shadowing group and receive Amnesty CILIP Honour posters and bookmarks celebrating the unique ability of books to inspire empathy, broaden horizons and empower young readers.

Contact us

For advice on our resources or human rights education in your school, or to tell us about what you are doing, contact us on 020 7033 1500 or