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Apr 19 2024 7:59AM
London to Remember June Fourth 34 Years On

倫敦將舉行燭光集會,紀念八九民運34週年,緬懷六四死難者。 倫敦六四燭光集會 地點:中國大使館對面 時間:2023年6月4日晚8至10時 June Fourth London Vigil Chinese Embassy 49 Portland Place London W1B 1JL Sunday 4 June 2023, 8-10pm 白紙亦或白髮,六四都是繞不過的現實。 White paper or white hair, we all have to face...

Apr 19 2024 7:58AM
Speeches by Tiananmen Mothers at the 34th Anniversary of June 4th

六四 34 周年:天安门母亲 代表发言稿 34th anniversary of June 4: Speech on behalf of Tiananmen Mothers… 六四 34 周年: 祭文 34th Anniversary of June Fourth: A Tribute http://www...

Mar 8 2024 3:11PM
We need Gender Justice to close the inequality gap here in the UK

Blog by Helen Moulinos, Amnesty UK member & Amnesty Vice-Chair Board of Trustees Twitter: @HelenMoulinos We are all equal, right? Or are we? Five decades of well-meaning (but inefficient) gender equality legislation, and we remain...

Feb 13 2024 10:35AM

So, when someone asks if it is it safe to go to Kashmir as a tourist, the answer is, yes tourists are safe in Kashmir, but Kashmiris live in fear of a knock on the door.

Feb 2 2024 4:31PM
Dan Glass: Standing on the shoulders of giants

This LGBT+ History Month, we are profiling the work of Dan Glass, an activist with AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP), as well as a writer, performer and presenter.