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AUSTRALIA: Secretary General Irene Khan meets Minister Philip Ruddock

Irene Khan welcomed the ongoing dialogue and assurances from the Minister that he takes Amnesty International's interventions very seriously. Ms Khan urged the Minister to review the policy of...

Albania: Ill-treatment of Children's rights in custody must stop

The organisation also asked that the trial conform with international standards for fair trial, and that the rights of both the accused -- including the right to the presumption of innocence - and...

USA: Unnecessary death, injury and pain caused by the use of restraint chairs

'Inadequate training and supervision of detention officers has caused unnecessary pain, injury and even death,' the organisation said today as it launched a new report 'USA: The restraint chair - How...

EGYPT: Ongoing violations of the right to freedom of belief

Amin Yussif, a 51-year-old civil servant, his wife Amal Mahmud and six others have been held in detention since the end of September 2001 under charges of 'exploiting religion (Y) for extremist ideas'...

ZIMBABWE: Post-election responsibilities of the Commonwealth

In a five-page appeal to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) opening today (2 March 2002), Amnesty International described the gathering as 'a unique chance for the international...

Russian Federation: Amnesty International and Greenpeace join forces on a cyber appeal for Grigory Pasko

Grigory Pasko was sentenced to four years imprisonment in December 2001, accused of intending to pass on information to a foreign journalist that would 'harm the battle readiness of the Pacific Fleet'...

Norway: Presidency of the Security Council presents an opportunity for human rights

'Norway is in an unique position to play an important role in strengthening the human rights dimension of the Security Council's consultations and resolutions. This is especially important at a time...

Israel/OT/PA: Human rights must be a central part of the peace process

'If the peace initiative is to be successful it must not repeat the mistakes of the past. One of the reasons why the Oslo Agreement of 1993 failed was because human rights were not at its centre.'...