Countdown for China
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London marks 31st anniversary of #TiananmenMassacre #June4倫敦悼念 #天安門大屠殺 #六四31周年 #6431truth #八九六四 #StandWithHongKong
Due to London's Covid-19 lockdown rules that restrict meetings in public spaces to groups of six, commemoration of the June 4 Massacre will be carried out in a spontaneous way this year. Individuals and small groups who want to go to...
Today we are here to mark the seventy-first anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We are here to oppose the barbaric rule of the Chinese regime and to stand in solidarity with peoples of East Turkestan, Tibet, Hong...
London stands with Hongkongers, Uyghurs, Tibetans and HRDs in mainland China. #UDHR71 #StandUp4HumanRights 倫敦聲援香港人、維吾爾人、藏人和中國大陸的人權捍衛者。 # 世界人權宣言 71 週年 # 捍衛人權 Onsite language...
London activists will gather at Chinese Embassy to mark Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 71 , in solidarity with Hong Kongers, Uyghurs Tibetans and all the oppressed under the CCP rule . 倫敦活動人士將在中國大使館外紀念《世界人權宣言》 71 週 年 , 聲援香港人...
Plasma supplier in the UK now controlled by the Chinese company would be endangering the life and health whoever uses the NHS service. The history in the blood scandal in the UK has shown the relationship problem between the public and...
Statement on the IOPC’s Final Report 30 June 2019 On 26 June the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) published its findings and decision in response to the complaints that my wife and I filed following my unlawful arrests...
Students staged sit-in in front of the Great Hall of People and demanded to see members of the Standing Committee and show them the List of Seven Demands. But the authorities refused officially to reply to the demand. Some protesters...
At 1pm, April 17, 1989, six or seven hundred students and teachers in University of Political Science and Law headed out of the campus toward Tiananmen Square. It was the first demonstration of 1989. At 11pm, three thousand students in...
On 16 June, London in solidarity with #HongKong 倫敦撐香港 “Release the students! Carrie Lam resign! Withdraw! No withdrawal no settlement!釋放學生!林鄭下台!撤回惡法!不撤不散!” #NoChinaExtradition #反送中
Dear MP, I am writing to bring your attention about both the content and the short consultation period allowed for the proposed changes to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance (often referred to as Extradition Law) and the Mutual Legal...
On Tuesday the 4rd of June, 8pm-10pm, aorund 250 people including many young people gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy in London to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the 1989 Beijing June 4 Massacre, showing solidarity with...
1. Screening of 'The Man who Defied Beijing' 30 May 2019, 6 - 8 pm Free Word, London Organised by Reporters without Borders… 2. Tiananmen Panel 31 May 2019, 8...
To mark the 30th anniversary of the 1989 pro-democracy movement and the bloody massacre on 4 June, we will be holding a candlelit vigil at the Chinese Embassy in London on Tuesday 4 June, 8–10 pm. We reiterate our demands on the...
The conference "Thirty Years since Tiananmen Square Massacre: Struggle for Democracy in China" will be held on 18 April, which will mark the day when students gathered in Tiananmen Square and delivered their Seven Demands to the...
On Tuesday November 6th, the UN Human Rights Council will review China's human rights record through the third cycle of Universal Periodic Review (UPR). It is an importan t chance to examine the Chinese political system and its...
London activists will gather at Chinese Embassy to mark Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70 . 伦敦活动人士将在中国大使馆外纪念《世界人权宣言》七十周年 #UDHR70 #StandUp4HumanRights Venue: opposite the Chinese Embassy, 49-59 Portland Place, London W1B 1JL...
London marks 1st anniversary of the passing of Liu Xiaobo, calling for immediate & unconditional release of all prisoners of conscience currently held by the CCP. # LiuXiaobo # FreePrisonersOfConscience 刘晓波逝世周年伦敦祭奠,呼吁立即无条件 # 释放所有良心犯...
Activists will gather in front of Chinese Embassy to mark the 1st anniversary of the passing of Liu Xiaobo, calling for immediate and unconditional release of all prisoners of conscience currently held in mainland China and Hong Kong...
On Sunday the 3rd of June, 7pm-9pm, over 40 people gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy in London to commemorate the Prodemocracy Movement in1989. Participators highlighted the citizens who were killed at Muxidi in the Massacre by...