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Amnesty International UK
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Jul 22 2024 12:51PM
We've been busy in Chipping Norton!

We've been busy in Chipping Norton, promoting Amnesty and some of the issues which are concerning us at the moment. June began with us holding a vigil on our town hall steps to mark the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre...

Apr 8 2024 5:35PM
Writing letters to make a difference

A change to our programme means that we shall be dedicating this week's meeting, on Thursday 11th April, to writing cards to prisoners of conscience and their families and letters to the authorities responsible for their incarceration...

Mar 19 2024 11:46AM
A busy programme ahead!

Our programme of meetings and events for 2024 is almost complete - although subject to further additions as opportunities arise for us to promote the work of Amnesty in Chipping Norton and our neighbouring towns and villages. Check out...

Dec 18 2023 6:13PM
Vigil for Peace

Members of the Chipping Norton Amnesty Group and representatives of the Town Council were this evening joined by some 40 members of the public to hold a silent vigil for peace in Gaza-Israel. This vigil demonstrated our support for the...

Nov 4 2023 5:27PM
Writing for Rights

Our Group will be meeting this Thursday evening, 9th November, to write cards and letters in support of the 10 cases featured in this year's Write for Rights campaign. A group member has produced lots of lovely cards which we shall be...

Oct 26 2023 5:17PM
United Nations - flying the flag in Chippy

On the 78th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, commemorated by United Nations Day on 24th October, members of the Chipping Norton Amnesty Group joined with representatives of the Town Council to raise the United Nations...

Oct 14 2023 3:12PM
Life in a West Bank city

In what might be described as a "timely meeting", this month's guest speaker, Ian Cave, described scenes he'd witnessed earlier this year in the city of Hebron in the West Bank. He spent 3 months there as part of a mission with the...

Oct 2 2023 11:18AM
Back on the streets.....

....this time, on 30th September, in Witney for our third street collection of the year. We've previously collected in Chipping Norton and Woodstock. Unfortunately we arrived in Witney to find that the town had been taken over by a...

Aug 11 2023 1:54PM
Our 30th Birthday party!

This month, in lieu of a business meeting, we held a social soiree to mark the 30th birthday of the Chipping Norton Group. Twenty three of us enjoyed a balmy evening with an excellent 'bring a plate' buffet and, for a change, time to...

Jun 20 2023 11:40AM
Flying a flag for refugees

On a wet and windless morning members of Chippy Amnesty joined with representatives of Asylum Welcome, the Charlbury Refugee Action Group, Chipping Norton Town Council and the Deputy Lieutenant of Oxfordshire to raise the Refugee Flag...
