Festival of Social Justice Event Programme

PLEASE NOTE: By registering for any of our FESTIVAL EVENTS, you are consenting to your name and email address being securely stored and used to keep you informed of relevant events and activities by the organising Amnesty LOCAL GROUP (or organising body where this is different). Each will only use your data in accordance with the DATA PROTECTION advice from AIUK or that of the organising body. You can find out more about AIUK'S DATA PROTECTION ADVICE HERE.
All events have taken place online, unless otherwise stated
*Tip - events below are listed in date order, with the exception of our launch event - If you are looking for a particular event, press Ctrl-F and type in the keyword(s)!*
See programme of past events below:
*Launch Event*
Tuesday 20th April 2021 6.00pm to 7.30pm – Amnesty Central England presents:
Why a Festival of Social Justice at this time? (What's it all about?)
Kate Allen (Director of Amnesty UK) explores with special guest panellists the aims of the Festival, and Amnesty’s efforts to engage more (and more varied) people across the UK in the evolving activities of the Amnesty movement here and in the fast-changing world.
The panel comprises:
Cherry Bird – Country Coordinator for India and Nepal; Activism Representative for South West England
Imtiaz Choonara – Organiser, Derby Peace Week
Sotez Chowdhury – AIUK Campaigning Communities Manager
Nabila Khan – AIUK Country Coordinator, China/Taiwan
Ranjit Sondhi – National Trustee, Citizens UK
You can watch the recording of this event here
For more information contact: gethin.davies@amnesty.org.uk
From Friday 16th April - Sunday 31st May 2021 – Church Stretton Amnesty International presents:
Sponsored Walk
Amnesty group members will be walking 60 km over the Festival period, raising money for Amnesty. COVID regulations permitting. We will arrange a number of walks in the beautiful Shropshire Hills so we will walk 60 km over the period of the festival. The invitation to take up the challenge is extended to all Amnesty Groups in the region. If permitted, you can join us here in Church Stretton for any of the walks. Or you could choose to walk the 60km in your own area.
This event has now closed. For more information contact Dave or Trish - davidandtrish@hotmail.co.uk
From Friday 16th April - Sunday 31st May 2021 – Church Stretton Amnesty International presents:
A sprightly, accessible comedy-drama by established Palestinian writer-director interleaves simmering tension in the Israeli town of Nazareth with moments of terrific humour as a father and son deliver wedding invitations over the course of a winter’s day.
Watch the film at any time during the festival. Then on Thursday 20th May at 7.30pm join us for a Zoom chat about the film.
Registration for this event has now closed.
For more information contact: Liz Knowles - jknowles2@yahoo.com
From Friday 16th April - Sunday 31st May 2021 – Wolverhampton Amnesty International presents:
Wolverhampton Poetry Collective
An exploration through poetry of the themes of welcoming, home, and the refugee and asylum-seeking experience. The collective involves local creative arts community organisations.
You can now watch on our AIUK Festival of Social Justice YouTube Channel here
For more information you can contact Ruth Ashton- ruthashton@hotmail.co.uk
Saturday 17th April 2021 from 2.00pm to 4.00pm – Wirksworth Amnesty International group presents:
Human Rights and Social Justice
Derby Sounds Community Radio will be broadcasting a special programme on Human Rights and Social Justice including local Human Rights activists and Amnesty International Country Coordinators.
The programme will be repeated Sunday 18th April 2.00pm-4.00pm and Monday 19th April 7.00pm-9.00pm.
For Derby Sound Community Radio click here: Derby Sound Community Radio
For more information contact: wirksworthaigroup@yahoo.com
Saturday 17th April 2021 at 12 noon – Wirksworth Amnesty International group presents:
The Amnesty Sessions
Amnesty International Country Coordinators will be in conversation with Radio Free Matlock’s world music DJ Su-ki, exploring their region through music and conversation. Five inspiring women will be talking about their personal connection to the countries they represent and their motivation for their campaigning work. Human rights issues in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Chile and Argentina, South Africa, DRC and Rwanda will be highlighted. This first session is with Nigina Istanakzai-zarifi exploring Afghanistan.
You can catch-up with this session here: shorturl.at/qwyPQ
Follow this link for more details: www.radiofreematlock.co.uk
For more information contact: wirksworthaigroup@yahoo.com
Wednesday 21st April 2021 at 7.30pm – Bournville Amnesty International presents:
Free but not Fake: Fighting Fake News; Fighting for Free Speech
Three linked events on the rights to information and free speech (#19 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
Part One
Bad Information and Human Rights
An interactive meeting on Fake News with speaker Mike Flood of Fighting Fake https://www.fightingfake.org.uk/
For more information contact Martin Bate martintombate@yahoo.co.uk
Registration for this event is now closed.
Wednesday 21st April 2021 7.30pm - Telford Amnesty International presents:
Reaching Out and Speaking Out - Ibrahim Ezz El Din
Learn more about Human Rights in Egypt. Chance to take part in a screen shot Action holding your own house keys, on behalf of imprisoned Housing rights activist Ibrahim Ezz El-Din.
Registration for this event is now closed.
For more information contact: aitelfordg@gmail.com
Thursday 22nd April 2021 2.00- 4.00pm - Wirksworth and District Amnesty International presents:
Race, policing & human rights
Working with Local Groups and Derbyshire’s premier Independent cinema (the QUAD) are hosting an online workshop on Race, Policing & Human Rights with the Derbyshire Police Commissioner, Hardyal Dhindsa, and local anti-racist activist, Sonya Robotham.
Registration for this event is now closed.
For more information contact: wirksworthaigroup@yahoo.com
Saturday 24th April 2021 at 12 noon - Wirksworth Amnesty International group presents:
The Amnesty Sessions
Amnesty International Country Coordinators will be in conversation with Radio Free Matlock’s world music DJ Su-ki, exploring their region through music and conversation. Five inspiring women will be talking about their personal connection to the countries they represent and their motivation for their campaigning work. Human rights issues in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Chile and Argentina, South Africa, DRC and Rwanda will be highlighted. This session is with Ayesha Mehta exploring Pakistan.
You can catch-up with the session here: shorturl.at/jtKS6
Follow the link for more details: www.radiofreematlock.co.uk
For more information contact: wirksworthaigroup@yahoo.com
Saturday 24th April 2021 at 7.30 pm - Welwyn, Hatfield and East Herts Amnesty International groups present:
A Toast to Freedom
A celebration and exploration of the work of Amnesty International including musical performances, poetry, drama, comedy and reflection including LIVE contributions from Poet Ian McMillan (The Verb, BBC Radio) Justin Butcher (Actor/Playwright/Author) and the Pantaloons (Touring Theatre Company)
Registration for this event is now closed.
For more information contact: Roly Taylor - mrrolytaylor@gmail.com
From Monday 26th April 2021 - Oxford Amnesty with the Oxford/Ramallah Friendship Association Presents
Can We Speak About Palestine?
Oxford-based Palestinians introduce Akram Salhab’s film (courtesy of Channel 4) exploring the inadequately acknowledged legacy of British colonialism on Palestinians today. The film includes an interview with Israeli historian Avi Shlaim, a patron of the event’s joint organisers – Oxford–Ramallah Friendship Association and Twinning, and the Palestinian History Tapestry Project.
You can now watch on our AIUK Festival of Social Justice YouTube Channel here.
For more information you can contact Penny Ponton: chair@oxford-amnesty.org.uk
Tuesday 27th April 2021 at 7.30- 9.00pm – Banbury Amnesty International presents:
International Human Rights Law for Activists
An online talk by Ian Myson (AIUK Activism Representative) with Q & A and discussion providing an introduction to International Human Rights law, geared to activists, and particularly to the needs of Amnesty Groups. This can help with a challenge often faced by activists, that in jumping from campaign to campaign, or case to case, it can be difficult to develop a clear understanding of the legal basis of human rights.
For further information contact: Ian Myson - ian_myson@hotmail.com
You can catch up with this session here
Wednesday 28th April 2021 at 7.30pm – Bournville Amnesty International presents:
Free but not Fake: Fighting Fake News; Fighting for Free Speech
Three linked events on the rights to information and free speech (#19 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
Part Two
Access to Information and Freedom of Expression: a worldwide threat
The second of three linked events this is an interactive meeting with expert speakers in Mexico, Turkey and Bangladesh. They will address how different regimes restrict access to information, prohibit free speech and punish free expression.
For more information contact Martin Bate martintombate@yahoo.co.uk
Registration for this event is now closed.
Wednesday 28th April 2021 at 8.00pm – Aylesbury Amnesty International presents:
Freedom Ride UK - Modern Slavery
Simon John (Secretary of the Thetford Amnesty Group) will cycle from Land’s End to John O’Groats, to raise awareness of modern slavery, talking to many interested groups and organisations. Read more here.
The pandemic has cruelly exposed the vulnerability of the world’s downtrodden. Modern Slavery is thriving on their weaknesses. This talk will compare modern and transatlantic slavery, and explain how slavery manifests everywhere today. We will also find out about how we can play a part in making slavery truly a thing of the past.
For further information contact Bob Corn - bb_corn@yahoo.co.uk
This was one of several opportunities throughout the festival to attend this online talk delivered by Simon John as he cycles from Lands End to John O’Groats. Also on the topic of Modern-Day Slavery and Human Trafficking, there is a talk from Hope for Justice at 7.30pm on Thursday 27th May.
Friday 30th Apri 2021 2.00-3.00pm – Oxford City Amnesty International presents:
MPs speak out and listen in: a session with Oxford MPs Anneliese Dodds and Layla Moran
Anneliese Dodds, Labour MP for Oxford East, Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Layla Moran, Liberal Democrat MP for Oxford West & Abingdon, Liberal Democrat Spokesman for Foreign Affairs & International Development will be in conversation, discussing the wide range of human rights issues facing us today.
Registration for this event is now closed. Catch up with this event here
For more information contact: chair@oxfordamnesty.org.uk
Friday 30th April 2021 at 8pm - Sutton Coldfield Amnesty International presents:
Voices for Change, An Evening of Verse and Storytelling
An entertaining collection of readings and performances relating to Social Justice and human rights. Join us online for an hour of inspiration with guests Poet Laureate Casey Bailey, and author and actor Patrick Hayes. Tickets are free, but please book in advance.
Registration for this event is now closed. You can catch up with this event here
Click here for more information: https://www.amnesty.org.uk/groups/sutton-coldfield/voices-change-evening-verse-and-storytelling-friday-30-april
You can also contact us via email at: suttonamnesty@gmail.com
Saturday 1st - 31st May 2021 – Reading Town Amnesty International presents:
Reading Human Rights Trail
Twelve posters will be placed around Reading Town Centre highlighting some of the issues that Amnesty campaigns on. These will include local, national and international issues that resonate with the diverse population of Reading. Each poster will provide an opportunity to take action. A map of all of the posters will be available on our website https://www.amnesty.org.uk/groups/reading from 24th April.
For more information contact: amnesty.reading@gmail.com
Saturday 1st May 2021 at 12 noon - Wirksworth Amnesty International group presents:
The Amnesty Sessions
Amnesty International Country Coordinators will be in conversation with Radio Free Matlock’s world music DJ Su-ki, exploring their region through music and conversation. Five inspiring women will be talking about their personal connection to the countries they represent and their motivation for their campaigning work. Human rights issues in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Chile and Argentina, South Africa, DRC and Rwanda will be highlighted. This session is with Carla Torres exploring Argentina & Chile.
You can catch up with this session here: https://bit.ly/3nShjDU
Follow the link for more details: www.radiofreematlock.co.uk
For more information contact: wirksworthaigroup@yahoo.com
Tuesday 4th May at 7.00pm - Wythall Amnesty International presents:
Birmingham City of Sanctuary
Creating a culture of hospitality instead of a hostile environment.
Find out about the activities of City of Sanctuary in Birmingham, with information about our work in schools and colleges, places of worship, gardens, libraries and in other areas; and about our pioneering activities with the City Council.
Speakers will include:
- Cllr John Cotton (Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion, Community Safety and Equalities),
- staff member from two schools in our Schools of Sanctuary Network,
- the minister of Six Ways Baptist Church: a Church of Sanctuary.
There will also be time for questions and discussion.
Registration for this event is now closed.
Wednesday 5th May at 7.30pm - Wythall Amnesty International presents:
From welcome to integration: befriending refugees and asylum seekers in Birmingham and overcoming the challenges they face”
Why do we need to protect our heritage of welcoming refugees? How can host communities welcome those seeking sanctuary from persecution? What challenges do refugees and asylum seekers face? What links Amnesty International and Restore? Hear about Restore’s one-to-one befriending scheme and discover how it helps.
Online Meeting using Zoom (capacity up to 100).
A recording of this event is available to view on our YouTube Channel here
Registration is now closed.
Wednesday 5th May 2021 at 7.30pm – Bournville Amnesty International presents:
Free but not Fake: Fighting Fake News; Fighting for Free Speech
Part Three
Action for Words
In the third of three linked events we look the life experience and personal stories of individuals suffering for speaking out for human rights. What can we do to help?
For more information contact Martin Bate martintombate@yahoo.co.uk
Registration is now closed.
Thursday 6th May at 7pm - Wythall Amnesty International presents:
Asylum Matters
Campaigning for a humane asylum system & the right to work.
The session will discuss current campaigns such as Lift the Ban which calls for asylum seekers to have the right to work. We will give an overview of the New Plan for Immigration and what our next steps will be to campaign for a humane asylum system with the new Together with Refugees campaign.
There will also be time for questions and discussion.
Registration is now closed. Catch up with this event here
From Friday 7th May 2021 - Oxford Amnesty with the Freedom From Torture Campaign presents:
Bringing people back to life after torture – the work of Freedom from Torture
It is likely that a significant proportion of people seeking asylum in the UK have been tortured at some point before fleeing here. This presentation outlines how Freedom from Torture works to help people come to terms with their experiences and rebuild lives which are as happy and fulfilled as possible.
You can now watch on our AIUK Festival of Social Justice YouTube Channel here.
For more information you can contact Penny Ponton: chair@oxford-amnesty.org.uk
Saturday 8th May 2021 at 12 noon – Wirksworth Amnesty International group presents:
The Amnesty Sessions
Amnesty International Country Coordinators will be in conversation with Radio Free Matlock’s world music DJ Su-ki, exploring their region through music and conversation. Five inspiring women will be talking about their personal connection to the countries they represent and their motivation for their campaigning work. Human rights issues in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Chile and Argentina, South Africa, DRC and Rwanda will be highlighted. This session is with Matilda exploring South Africa & Zambia.
Follow the link for more details: www.radiofreematlock.co.uk
Catch up on this session here: https://bit.ly/3hmDZe0
For more information contact: wirksworthaigroup@yahoo.com
Saturday 8th May 2021 at 7.30pm – Wythall Amnesty International presents:
Bromsgrove and Redditch Welcome Refugees (BRWR) - Welcoming Refugees and Asylum Seekers to Worcestershire: Easing the Path
We all have a story. At this event we hear from Syrian Resettlement refugees and the volunteers supporting them, from a welcome group sponsoring refugee families and from asylum seekers. Find out about Amnesty’s ‘I Welcome’ campaign to create a more welcoming environment for people rebuilding their lives.
This is an online meeting with a capacity of up to 100 participants.
Registration for this event is now closed. Catch up with this event here
Wednesday 12th May 2021 at 7.30pm - Mid-Warwickshire Amnesty International presents:
Freedom Ride UK - Modern Slavery
Simon John (Secretary of the Thetford Amnesty Group) will cycle from Land’s End to John O’Groats, to raise awareness of modern slavery, talking to many interested groups and organisations. Read more here.
The pandemic has cruelly exposed the vulnerability of the world’s downtrodden. Modern Slavery is thriving on their weaknesses. This talk will compare modern and transatlantic slavery, and explain how slavery manifests everywhere today. We will also find out about how we can play a part in making slavery truly a thing of the past.
Registration for this event is now closed.
For more information contact: Jane Sault - jsault8@gmail.com
This was several opportunities throughout the festival to attend this online talk delivered by Simon John as he cycles from Lands End to John O’Groats. Also on the topic of Modern-Day Slavery and Human Trafficking, there is a talk from Hope for Justice at 7.30pm on Thursday 27th May.
Thursday 13th May at 7.30pm – Reading Town Amnesty International and Chipping Norton Amnesty International present:
Freedom Ride UK - Modern Slavery
Simon John (Secretary of the Thetford Amnesty Group) will cycle from Land’s End to John O’Groats, to raise awareness of modern slavery, talking to many interested groups and organisations. Read more here.
The pandemic has cruelly exposed the vulnerability of the world’s downtrodden. Modern Slavery is thriving on their weaknesses. This talk will compare modern and transatlantic slavery, and explain how slavery manifests everywhere today. We will also find out about how we can play a part in making slavery truly a thing of the past.
For further information contact amnesty.reading@gmail.com
This was of several opportunities throughout the festival to attend this online talk delivered by Simon John as he cycles from Lands End to John O’Groats. Also on the topic of Modern-Day Slavery and Human Trafficking, there is a talk from Hope for Justice at 7.30pm on Thursday 27th May.
Saturday 15th May 2021 from 12.00pm - 10.00pm – Bournville Amnesty International group with local partners present:
Fair Play for All: Football, Children and Other Animals
Music, dance, poetry, comedy and conversation, celebrating the diverse cultural heritage of the West Midlands, and championing social justice. A day-long festival within the festival packed with music, poetry, dance, art, talks and things to do for everyone. Includes a dedicated Children’s Hour, celebrity appearances and a chance for you to meet with Ali Aarrass, now free after 12 years of prison and torture.
Plus Anita Asante, Villa footballer extraordinaire talking about her life and sport
Plus Soapbox videos and film shorts about Amnesty cases and campaigns.
So, loads of serious fun for everyone!!!
Registration for this event is now closed.
You can still check out the Fair Play for All: Football, Children and Other Animals Programme here: https://amnestybrum.files.wordpress.com/2021/05/fair-play-for-all-15-may-2021.-programme.pdf
Saturday 15th May 2021 at 12 noon – Wirksworth Amnesty International group presents:
The Amnesty Sessions
Amnesty International Country Coordinators will be in conversation with Radio Free Matlock’s world music DJ Su-ki, exploring their region through music and conversation. Five inspiring women will be talking about their personal connection to the countries they represent and their motivation for their campaigning work. Human rights issues in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Chile and Argentina, South Africa, DRC and Rwanda will be highlighted. This session is with Marie-France Nguo exploring Democratic Republic of the Congo & Rwanda.
Follow the link for more details: www.radiofreematlock.co.uk
Catch up with this session here
For more information contact: wirksworthaigroup@yahoo.com
Monday 17th May 2021 at 7.30pm – Oxford City Amnesty International presents:
Global Trade: Addressing the Human Rights Implications
Ms Nada Awad (international Advocacy Officer at the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies), Ms Nabila Khan (Amnesty’s Country Co-ordinator China & Taiwan) and Mr Peter Bentley (Oxfam) will be looking at the issues and tensions surrounding global trade and human rights, e.g. enforced labour, companies operating in illegal Israeli settlements, workers’ rights in supermarket supply chains.
Registration for this event is now closed. Catch up with this event here
For more information contact: Jane Buswell - secretary@oxford-amnesty.org.uk
Tuesday 18th May 2021 at 7.30pm – University of Warwick Sociology Department partnership with AI Central Region presents:
Prisoners Here and There
An evening exploring what actions and issues mean most to young people, particularly students.
By using the conditions in UK prisons and Amnesty International policy on Prisoners of Conscience , the meeting will explore how to engage more young people in social activism, and how to motivate a greater variety of students and young people into effective social action in a fast- changing world.
Registration for this event is now closed.
From 18th May 2021 - Oxford Amnesty with Ice and Fire Theatre Group presents
Sharing human rights stories
A short film from human rights theatre company Ice & Fire with first-hand testimonies (performed by actors) from their acclaimed Asylum Monologues, exploring some reasons people seek refuge and challenges they face going through the UK's asylum system.
After the performance Bill MacKeith, Oxford Against Immigration Detention will speak briefly on OAID’s work.
The event is now available on the AIUK Festival of Social Justice YouTube Channel here
For more information you can contact Penny Ponton: chair@oxford-amnesty.org.uk
From Tuesday 18th May 2021: Stamford and Rutland Amnesty International presents:
TRUTH to POWER Exhibition by Eddie Botsio
As a portrait photographer, Eddie has always been fascinated by people, their character and motivations. The Truth to Power project will be opening Stamford and Rutland's Festival of Social Justice; capturing and celebrating journalists who have held power to account. This digital exhibition will be a captivating blend of images and audio giving an insight into the important role journalism plays in turbulent times. The exhibition is curated by consultant, Cheryl Newman, former Photography Director of the Telegraph Magazine and is funded by Arts Council England.
No registration required. Access to the exhibition can be found here: https://truthtopowerexhibition.com
Stamford Arts Centre listing here
From Wednesday 19th May 2021 - Stamford and Rutland Amnesty International presents:
Virtual Social Justice Showcase – taking place throughout the Stamford & Rutland Festival of Social Justice.
The Social Justice Showcase will be a series of short videos showcasing the social justice movement locally: we provide an opportunity for groups and organisations to speak about their work and inform the local community how they can get involved. We aim to raise awareness, help strengthen the connections of our local social justice network and get more people engaged.
The videos are being showcased on the Amnesty International UK Festival of Social Justice
No registration required! For more information contact: stamfordandrutlandamnesty@outlook.com
Stamford Arts Centre listing here
Wednesday 19th May 2021 at 7pm - Stamford and Rutland Amnesty International presents:
Chile in Focus - Part I
(This event is split into two parts with a short interval in-between. Keep your screens on and take a break!)
Widows by Ariel Dorfman, with Tony Kushner - An animated reading of extracts by Stamford Shoestring Theatre Company
Launching for one night only for the Festival of Social Justice, Stamford Shoestring Theatre Company will stream a filmed animated reading of extracts from Widows by Ariel Dorfman, with Tony Kushner.
This powerful, haunting and deeply poetic play tells of the impact on the families of Los Desaparecidos, The Disappeared, in Chile after Pinochet seized power in 1973, but as a political allegory applies to countries
around the world and the events happening today in Burma or China. Event combined with Chile Awakens Q&A. (Listed below)
(Age suitability 10+)
Wednesday 19th May 2021 at 8pm: Chile in Focus - Part II
Chile Awakens
Following on from Stamford Shoestring's animated reading of extracts from Widows by Ariel Dorfman:
Amnesty’s Chile Coordinator, Carla Torres, hosts ‘Chile Awakens’; a Q&A session about the current unrest in Chile and ‘Eyes on Chile’ report.
She is joined on the panel by Chile Solidarity Network founder Carole Concha Bell, Amnesty member Jorge Diaz-Munoz and Secretary General of Mapuche International Link Reynaldo Mariqueo.
(Age suitability 10+)
Registration for this event is now closed. You can catch up with the panel discussion here - This recording follows on from Stamford Shoestring's animated reading of extracts from Widows by Ariel Dorfman (unable to record due to licensing restrictions)
For more information contact: stamfordandrutlandamnesty@outlook.com
Wednesday 19th May 2021 at 7.30pm - University of Warwick Sociology Dept Partnership with AIUK Central Region presents:
We Need To Talk About Kashmir
An evening of discussion and planning; based on a presentation on the history of the Kashmir Situation (by The AIUK Country Coordinator as initial Speaker), and inputs from a range of activists.
The participants will plan for action on the Kashmir Situation as soon as the situation permits, and particularly discuss such actions as the following so as order to maximise effectiveness of our collective action, differentiating this from ACTIONs authorised by Amnesty International;
· Invitations to organisations/ authors/ writers such as Arundhati Roy to visit and present further views of the situation so that more of us are more aware of the complex situation in Kashmir.
· A national Seminar at a later date, in order to increase awareness
· Petitions/ Letters which can be actioned by individuals or groups and in what capacity
· The formation of a Central Region AIUK Kashmir Group plan the next steps that we can take together.
· What is the difference between action on such an issue and an authorised ACTION (and why is it important to differentiate ?)
The meeting will also discuss the responses of the AIUK Board and also how to further develop relationships with interested communities and groups.
(As well as addressing Kashmir directly, there is potential for developing a model of engagement and activism relevant for other instances of reported mass human rights violations in different parts of the world).
Registration for this event is now closed.
for more information please contact ian.myson@amnesty.org.uk
Thursday 20th May 2021 at 7.30pm - Stoke on Trent Amnesty International Presents:
Must Statues Die Too? A brief history of damage and controversy
The statues in our streets provide companionability, a humanisation of our environment and a powerful connection to history. But how do we respond when they no longer embody shared values? The talk will present an art historian's perspective on the bitter struggles which have led to the toppling of a monument in Bristol and tragic consequences in the U.S.A. . We will explore the history of why and how statues have become a particularly emotive issue. The talk is given as part of Amnesty International's Festival of Social Justice.
John Glaves-Smith studied History of Art at the Courtauld Institute of Art. He has worked alongside George Melly on an exhibition and publication examining scandals about art seen through the eyes of cartoonists and was the organiser of a major exhibition of a major exhibition ' 'Reverie, Myth and Sensuality. Sculpture in Britain 1880-1914' at Stoke-on-Trent City Museum and Art Gallery. He is the co-author with Ian Chilvers of the 'Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Art (Oxford University Press). He has lectured at Rochdale College of Art and Staffordshire University.
Registration for the event is now closed
For more information contact: gethin.davies@amnesty.org.uk
Friday 21st May 2021 7.30pm - 9.00pm - Bournville Amnesty International Presents:
“Black lives in Birminam”. Vanley Burke, Godfather of Black British Photography, traces the lives of African Caribbean people over 50 years.
Vanley Burke is known as the “Godfather of Black British Photography”. His iconic images have captured the evolving cultural and social landscape in the United Kingdom over four decades. He draws strength from remaining a humble man of the community, whose personable character allows him to capture the intimate and private nature of people’s everyday lives.
His body of work is possibly the largest photographic record of the Caribbean Diaspora in Britain, and as an avid collector, Vanley continues to connect histories through his substantial archive housed at the Library of Birmingham. From local community organisations to the Victoria & Albert Museum and Whitechapel, Vanley has exhibited widely in the United Kingdom, and as far afield as New York, South Africa and China.
Vanley’s artistic enquiry with his eccentric rebellious nature lends itself to sculpture and painting, and crafting art that gives life a shape. His motivation has been the preservation of culture and history through creation, documentation, and discovery which often leaks into the private.
For more information contact Martin Bate martintombate@yahoo.co.uk
Registration for this event is now closed, catch up with this event here
Friday 21st May 2021 at 7.30pm - Stamford and Rutland Amnesty International presents:
A Fellow Traveller Returns – Karen Neale
Local artist Karen Neale’s passion is sketching the world around her in her sketchbook diaries. In this online talk, Karen retraces her travels from her published sketchbook ‘A Fellow Traveller’ with a look through a social justice lens on her journey from London through nine countries to Kathmandu in Nepal.
Catch up with the recording of this event here
You can see a selection of Karen’s ‘A Fellow Traveller’ here.
For more information contact: stamfordandrutlandamnesty@outlook.com
Saturday 22nd May 2021 at 5pm - Stamford and Rutland Amnesty International presents:
The Kindness of Strangers - Dan Martin
In 2015 Extreme Athlete Dan Martin co-founded a series of fundraising talks called The Kindness of Strangers which raised funds and collected needed outdoor clothing by bringing together some of the UK's brightest adventure talent to talk about how their expeditions had been made possible only by the kindness of strangers. Dan details his journey from 40,000 miles of adventure cycling expeditions through over fifty countries crossing Europe, Asia and Africa to working in refugee camps in Calais and northern Greece with the kindness of strangers being a constant theme throughout.
Catch up with the recording of this event here
For more information contact: stamfordandrutlandamnesty@outlook.com
Saturday 22nd May 2021 - Church Stretton Amnesty International group presents:
A Poetry Evening
Join us to celebrate 60 years of Amnesty International by sharing poems in a Zoom reading.
We invite you to select a short poem, relating to human rights, to be read aloud during the course of the evening. This can be one you have found or one that you have written yourself.
Poems should be submitted by Saturday 1st May.
Registration for this event is now closed.
For more information contact: CSamnesty@outlook.com
Saturday 22nd May 2021 from 16:00 - 17:45pm – Corby and Kettering Amnesty International presents:
Local Voices - Global Activism
Briefly touching on the history of activism in our area, the webinar topics will explore:
- Current local social and environmental campaigns and their global links
- Why activism is as important as ever
- Ways to get involved
Registration for this event is now closed but you can catch up with the event here
For more information, please see the event page: https://www.amnesty.org.uk/groups/corby-kettering/local-voices-global-activism
Or contact: CorbyKetteringAmnesty@gmail.com
Sunday 23rd May 2021 1.30pm - Telford Amnesty International Presents:
Guided Walk
Please join us for a 6 k Guided Walk in our lovely local woods. Covid rules permitting. Individuals also welcome to complete this or other walks during the previous week from 16th April if preferred.
Supporting Children’s Human Rights and celebrating A.I.U.K. 60th birthday.
This event has now ended, please contact aitelfordg@gmail.com for more details
Monday 24th May 2021 at 7.00pm – Watford and St Albans Amnesty International groups present:
Refugee families – are they welcome here?
Hear about life for refugee families in Hertfordshire, ask questions and take action in support of refugee rights. Speakers from the Refugee Council and Herts Welcomes Refugees will share personal perspectives and give the national context. We’ll show a film montage of people from different groups sharing what family means to them.
This event has now closed.
For further information contact: watfordamnestygroup@gmail.com
Monday 24th May 2021 at 8pm - Stamford and Rutland Amnesty International presents:
Stories and Poems from the New Wars – University of Cambridge Peace and Education Group
Cambridge Peace and Education Research Group (University of Cambridge) share their personal stories and poems about conflict from contexts such as Syria, Afghanistan and the UK. Dr. Hilary Cremin and Roy Leighton will explore how war and conflict is changing and how this affects arts-based peace-building work in and through education.
Following an introduction to CPERG and its work, this webinar will involve live and recorded performances of poems and readings of stories, by people in their own words from contexts such as Syria, Afghanistan and inner-city areas of the UK. Age suitability – 14/16
Catch up with the recording of Stories and Poems from the New Wars here
For more information contact: stamfordandrutlandamnesty@outlook.com
Tuesday 25th May 2021 at 8pm: Stamford and Rutland Amnesty International presents:
Q & A: The US Death Penalty, Race and Criminal Justice
Louise Thomson, Chairperson of Stamford Anti-Racism Group, volunteered as a legal intern supporting lawyers working on Death Row. She and Ben Reynolds (Cinema Speak - Arts Centre, Stamford) discuss the film Clemency, exploring race and criminal justice in the context of the US death penalty, highlighting the main causes of miscarriages of justice in the US criminal justice system.
Please watch the film Clemency (2019) before-hand!
Catch up with the recording of Q & A: The US Death Penalty, Race and Criminal Justice here
For more information contact: stamfordandrutlandamnesty@outlook.com
Wednesday 26th May 2021 at 7.30pm – St Albans Amnesty International presents:
Daisy Cooper MP on “Human Rights in the time of Coronavirus” with a particular focus on questions arising around the “right to protest” and “the right to food.”
Daisy Cooper, Lib Dem MP for St Albans and Deputy Leader of the Lib Dems, will answer questions and discuss what the government is doing and should be doing on various issues particularly regarding human rights in the UK.
Registration for this event has now closed.
For more information, please contact: stalbansamnesty@gmail.com
Donations to St Albans Amnesty Group can be made at: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/stalbans-amnesty-2
Wednesday 26th May 2021 7.30 - 8.30pm – Daventry and Rugby Amnesty International presents:
The Responsibility And Liability That UK Companies Bear For Their Human Rights Impacts At Home And Abroad
A presentation and discussion with Peter Frankental, Amnesty International UK’s Economic Relations Programme Director and Jennifer Zerk, International Human Rights Lawyer and Associate Fellow, Chatham House, on the impact of a recent Supreme Court judgement against a multi-national oil company regarding communities in the Niger Delta damaged environmentally by their pollution.
Registration for this event has now closed.
For more information contact: Robin Hill - robinhill25@yahoo.co.uk 01926-424332
Wednesday 26th May 2021 at 8pm - Stamford and Rutland Amnesty International presents:
Stamford Pint of Poetry: Social Justice Edition
An on-line evening of social justice themed poetry featuring special guest
headliners Rhian Brooke, Rohan Samuel, Gary Huskisson and Mervyn Seivwright.
Poets, budding and well versed, perform live poetry to an appreciative on-line audience. Or if you prefer, simply enjoy the poetry of others. All welcome – but limited spaces!
Stamford Pint of Poetry: Social Justice Edition here has now closed.
Thursday 27th May 2021 from 6.00pm - 8.00pm – Reading Amnesty International presents:
An Evening online of Poetry for Social Justice
Don’t miss this one-off, exclusive feast of poetry and performance. The winners of our Poetry for Social Justice competitions will be joined by our highly regarded panel of judges (Desree, Claire Dyer, Ian McKenzie, Peter Robinson and Yasmine Shamma) to speak out in defence of human rights through poetry. Reading Amnesty members will introduce and give voice to the words of human rights defenders whose free expression has been denied.
Registration for this event has now closed. For further details go to:
Thursday 27th May 2021 at 7.30pm - Stamford and Rutland Amnesty International presents:
Modern-Day Slavery: Hidden in Plain Sight – Hope For Justice
Hope for Justice is an award-winning global non-profit organisation which aims to end human trafficking and modern slavery. It is active in the United Kingdom, United States, Cambodia, Norway, Ethiopia and Uganda and has its headquarters in Manchester, England.
Most people think of ‘slavery’ as something from history, but there are more people trapped in slavery today than ever before. In this webinar, learn how Hope for Justice is working to tackle this issue, their involvement in the UK’s largest trafficking case and how you can spot the signs and take action.
Catch up with the recording of Modern-Day Slavery: Hidden in Plain Sight here
For more information contact: stamfordandrutlandamnesty@outlook.com
Friday 28th May 2021 at 8.00pm (doors open at 7.30pm) – Aylesbury Amnesty International Group presents:
“Whistleblower” – a socially distanced film showing
Venue: Ivinghoe Old School Community Hub, 2 High Street, Ivinghoe, Leighton Buzzard LU7 9EX
“Whistleblower” is a powerful and thought-provoking film based on the experiences of Kathryn Bolkovac, an American police officer who in 1999 was assigned to serve as a peacekeeper with the United Nations in post-war Bosnia. While there, she reportedly discovered a sex-trafficking ring which served and was facilitated by other peacekeepers.
Please bring your own refreshments. There is no charge; donations to Aylesbury Amnesty Group will be welcome.
Registration for this event has now closed. For more information, contact: bb_corn@yahoo.co.uk
Saturday 29th May 2021 at 7.00pm - Wirksworth and District Amnesty International presents:
Destinies Theatre Event
Ava Hunt Theatre presents extracts of award winning “Destinies” with Q&A. Sharing young people’s experiences of becoming a refugee, seeking asylum and how theatre and participation in the arts contributes to healing and making a new home, a new life. It is a source of inspiration and education.
Registration for this event has now closed.
For more information contact: Paul Webb - wirksworthaigroup@yahoo.com