Annual General Meeting 2022
Details on the 2023 AGM to follow. Please check here.
2022 Annual General Meeting of Amnesty International United Kingdom Section
We were excited to welcome you to our 2022 AGM! On this webpage you can find the resulting AGM Decisions and the implementation document.
The details of the 2023 AGM will be put up on this page as soon as they are released. Please do check back. Following the success of our hybrid AGM in 2022, 2023 will also be following the same format.
The business of the AGM will be to:
1. receive the report of the Directors and audited accounts for the year ended 31 December 2021;
2. receive and, if thought fit, adopt the report of the standing orders committee;
3. consider and, if thought fit, pass the resolutions printed below, which shall be proposed as Special and Ordinary Resolutions;
4. receive the report of the Nominations Committee;
5. approve the re-appointment of BDO LLP as external auditors and authorise the Directors to approve their remuneration;
6. receive the budgetary estimates of the Directors for the current and ensuing financial periods; and
7. if an election is required, to elect the AGM Chair for the following AGM, members of the Standing Orders Committee and Members of the Members and Directors Appeal Committee.
All AIUK Section members are entitled to attend and vote at the AGM. A member of AIUK Section is also entitled to appoint a proxy to attend, speak and vote on their behalf. A proxy need not also be a member of AIUK Section.
Shape how we work
We regularly have opportunities for volunteers to shape how we are run as an organisation and help to ensure that we are doing the best work we can to protect human rights. If you are interested in playing a vital role in our democracy by serving on the Standing Orders Committee, Members and Directors Appeal Committee, Returning Officer or AGM Chair find out more here.
You can also find the previous AGM decisions from 2018-2021 immediately below: