India: Amnesty calls on India to abolish the death penalty ahead of summit meeting in New Delhi
In the lead-up to the summit Amnesty International has sent a briefing paper to the British Government which currently holds the Presidency of the EU.
The briefing raises concerns in relation to the use of the death penalty in India and details cases such as last year's execution of Dhananjoy Chatterjee, the first known execution in India since 1997.
Dick Oosting, Director of Amnesty International's EU Office, said:
"As the EU is already seeking the abolition of the death penalty around the world it should take the opportunity of the EU-India Summit this week to engage India in this process.
"India wields tremendous influence in Asia and could encourage the abolition of the death penalty across the region if it led by example."
Amnesty International urges the EU to:
- repeat its call on the Government of India to declare an immediate moratorium on executions with a view ultimately to abolish the death penalty
- request the Government of India to make public full information about the death penalty, including statistics relating to current and past death sentences and executions
Read the Amnesty International briefing on the death penalty in India...