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November 2018. Minutes

Truro and District Amnesty International Group

Minutes of Meeting held on 14th November 2018

  1. Present: Margaret George, Georgie Wong, Linnea Glynne-Rule, Chris Ramsey, Meike Koops, Hetty Tye, Karen Cooper, Carole Liesse, Shirley Sweeney, Wailim Wong, Arlo, Rhianna, David Haigh, Hervé Jaubert.


  1. Apologies:none


  1. Matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 10th October Further to the problem of other organisations collecting in Falmouth when we have the permit, the licensing authority had suggested that if this happens in future, we should call the police. It was generally agreed that we would not wish to do that. The stall in the cathedral for One World Week, which focused on Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe was a great success; 57 messages were written and have been sent off to the organisers, Howell Productions.


  1. Secretary’s report: the monthly email had been circulated. Margaret had obtained posters, badges and stickers re defending Human Rights.


  1. Treasurer’s report: Karen reported that we have £990.50.

A motion was proposed: ‘That Truro and Falmouth Amnesty Group move the Bank Account from HSBC to the Cooperative Bank’ Proposed: Chris Ramsey, Seconded: Carole Liesse. This motion was unanimously agreed.

It was further proposed ‘that we change the name of the group to Truro and District Amnesty International Group’. Proposed: Chris Ramsey, Seconded: Margaret George. This was agreed unanimously. (for clarification, this is already the name on our current account at HSBC.)


  1. Guest speakers: David Haigh and Hervé Jaubert spoke about the kidnapping and disappearance of Sheika Latifa Al Maktoum, as part of the Free Latifa Campaign. This was followed by discussion and we took a photo of those present holding a ‘Where is Latifa?’ message. There will be a TV programme about Latifa’s case on 6th Dec.


  1. Campaigns there was less time than normal to discuss our campaigns, but a number of letters had been brought to be signed. Margaret had received a letter from St Petersburg which she had sent on to Barrie Haye.


  1. Forthcoming events
  1. Xmas stalls, 24 Nov and 1st Dec at High Cross and 8th Dec at the Mayor’s charity event (a marquee on the Piazza.) Georgie was organising the rota for working on the stalls.
  2. 1st December conference on Sanctuary in Cornwall. It was agreed to pay for 2 tickets and that Karen and Meike should attend.
  3. Human Rights Day 10th Dec. AI is holding an event at Speakers House on 12 Dec. We are asked to contact MPs to invite them to attend.
  4. Amnesty pub quiz: it was suggested that we hold this on 7th February. Chris agreed to look into suitable venues.
  5. Film ‘Nae Pasaran’:  this is a film about Scottish workers who refused to work on parts which would go to the Chilean airforce under Pinochet’s dictatorship. .Carole agreed to see if St Austell Arts Centre would be interested and Margaret will approach the Labour Party.
  6. Regional Conference: this will be on Sat 9th March in Exeter.


  1. NEXT MEETING: Wed 12th Dec at 7pm, Sambells café, Truro Methodist Church.


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