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Minutes. October meeting

Truro and Falmouth Amnesty International Group

Minutes of Meeting held on 8 Oct 2014

  1. Present:

    Margaret George,  Linnea Glynne-Rule,  Hetty Tye,  Georgie Wong , Karen Cooper,  Wailim Wong,  Megan Bridgeland, George Perry, Rosy Bott.


  2. Apologies :  Amelia Scanlan, Robin Sellwood ,Shirley Sweeney, Chris Ramsey, Lucky Kaur. A card was signed to Robin who is recovering from an operation.


  3. Matters arising from the minutes of  10 Sept 2014:

    Karen, Megan and Chris attended the Belarus Theatre performance at Tremough

    Amelia was unable to attend the Stop Torture skills training day on 4 Oct due to pressure of work. It is hoped that she and Wailim may be able to get some feedback to help with our Stop Torture Campaign and Wailim agreed to contact Farshid.

4.    Secretary's report:

  1. The Oct monthly action concerned improving rights for asylum seekers in Britain. At present the money allowed them leaves them impoverished. There were letters to sign to the local MPs.

5.    Individuals at Risk:

  1. Georgie reported that it was the anniversary of COFADEH. A statue to remember the 'disappeared' had been demolished.

  2. Hetty had brought a card to sign for the birthday of Norma Cruz

  3. Wailim and Linnea are both receiving info on N Africa. It was agreed that Wailim will deal with the cases on Egypt and Linnea will take the case of 3 women - a teacher and 2 students -  who took part in a peaceful demonstration but are now imprisoned. There were letters to sign on their behalf.

  4. Uzbekistan - the case of Dilorom Abdukadirova was reported. She had fled to Australia but was given assurances that she was safe to return. On her return to Uzbekistan she was arrested.

6.  Stop Torture campaign:

       See point 3 above. Wailim will order more materials for future events.

7. Feather flags:

     There was discussion on the cost, which was thought to be £240-250. Some members thought that we would need two, in which case it is a lot of money to spend. Karen suggested that it would be possible to make our own. She will ask Chris to contact Adrian to see if he has any info on manufacturers locally. This matter will be discussed at a future date.


8. Write for Rights:

        Hetty will order materials. Georgie is ordering the Xmas cards. All members are asked to    obtain postcards to send from the stalls if they can do.

9. Future events:

  1. 11 Oct street collection in Falmouth. It  seemed as though we would not have many collectors, so the idea of doing tableaux on Afghan women workers was abandoned.

  2. One World Week 16-23 Oct in the cathedral. It was agreed to use the materials on Afghan women on our stall, together with a petition and info on Amnesty and our group. Margaret and Hetty will set up.

  3. Amnesty strategic goals consultation in Plymouth. No-one present at the meeting was able to attend. Hetty will contact Chris. It was thought that Lucky may be interested in going.

  4. Next group meeting 12 Nov, we shall be showing the film Echo of the pain of many. Hetty will contact the church to ask if they have projection equipment. It was agreed to meet at 7pm  (NB  the publicity sent out for the film gives the time of 7.30 - we will set up from 7 and start the film promptly at 7.30)


    10.   Treasurer's report:

           Linnea reported that we have£1376.83


    11. Next meeting: this will be on 12 November - FILM.

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