About this group

Back in the 1980s, an advert was placed in the Rutland Times newspaper inviting anyone interested in defending Human Rights and the work of Amnesty International (AI) to meet up at the local pub. The group of individuals who responded to that Ad became the Rutland AI Group, moved to a different venue and eventually joined forces with the Stamford group thus becoming the Stamford and Rutland AI Group of today!
We are a small, friendly and active group of volunteers, working to make a difference both locally and across the globe. We meet every month and work to support global human rights by carrying out a wide range of activities from campaigning and letter writing to lobbying MP’s on human rights issues. We also organise local fundraising and social justice events such as film nights, cake stalls, ‘AmnesTea’ events, plant sales and second-hand book stalls. We also support and collaborate with other local like-minded groups to help increase overall impact on human rights and social justice issues. Plans are currently underway for a special upcoming event to be announced soon, so please stay tuned for more information!
We are always looking to welcome new supporters and members, so please get in touch with us either via our email or our social media pages.