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Amnesty International UK
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About this group

Group training
Group training

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We meet on the second Thursday of the month and the meetings start at 19:30.  Meetings are held in Tony's house at 4, Victoria Road, Salisbury.  We will continue to meet there for the time being but if numbers grow or we have a speaker, we will move.  Details will be on this site and sent to members.  Please check the new site for any changes.

The exceptions are sometimes December when we normally have a social function; August when there is no meeting but we have for several years had a barbeque, and sometimes Easter:  if the second Thursday falls in Easter week, we do not usually meet. 

To find us and see a map, go to Multimap and type in Victoria Road.  Directions: from the Castle Roundabout on the ringroad, take the north exit signed Amesbury and Stonehenge (A345).  After 200m there are some lights and immediately before there is a road off to the right.  This is Victoria Road.  Turn into that, round a corner and the main part of Victoria Road continues in front of you.  There is limited parking in the road. 

We aim to finish our meetings by 9 pm. 


If you have an interest in human rights and would like to join us you will be be very welcome.  Some people join AIUK nationally and receive their magazine and mailings.  You can do this easily by following the link 'My Amnesty' on the front page.  Some just join our group (there is no joining fee) and contribute to activities as and when they can.  We have subgroups in things like the death penalty, women's rights and security (dealing with things like extraordinary renditions). 


We have a programme of events during the year and these can include:

  • Sign-ins.  This is where we invite members of the public to sign cards or a petition concerning prisoners of conscience.  Recent examples include Reggie Clemons in the USA and Iran.   
  • Letter writing campaigns.  Writing letters on behalf of individuals who have been arrested and who may be mistreated is one of our principal activities
  • Fund raising activities including coffee mornings, street collections (connected with signing) carol signing at Christmas and an annual jumble sale in the Square. 
  • Conferences.   We have twice held a conference on a Saturday
  • Speakers.  During the year we invite speakers to some of our meetings. 
  • A film evening in partnership with the Arts Centre
  • An annual service at the Cathedral
  • We publish a quarterly newsletter free to members. 

You can tweet on #salisburyai