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Arms Trade Treaty

Exciting news: The world has come to an historic agreement to regulate the $100bn arms trade, preventing for the first time the transfer of guns, bombs, tanks and bullets to countries where we know or suspect they would be used to commit abuses.

In New York, just hours ago, the treaty went to a vote at the UN General Assembly (UNGA) and was passed with 154 votes in favour.

The acheivement was captured by Kate Allen who said:

"Amnesty activists have been campaigning for this moment for over 20 years.  And right up until the very last 48 hours, the emails that you and Amnesty members all over the world were sending helped strengthen the final Treaty text and close two of the loopholes we were most concerned about.

You have been involved in securing one of the greatest achievements in human rights history. Thank you. Together we have made a difference."

This has been a campaign supported by Amnesty International Penzance Group too.

Brilliant news!!