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Minutes Group Meetingth September 30th 2014

Attending:  Paul, Paddy, Carolyn, Claudia, Heiko, Leo, Beatrice

Apologies: Liz

Strathegic Goals Consultation Phase 2:

Paul introduced the strategic goals phase 2 paper & advised there were 5 key proposals  & each were to be discussed while  focussing on 4 questions for each.

The 4 questions are

1. Do you broadly agree with the content of the proposals.

2. Are the proposals sufficiently focussed? Too broad? Left to other actors?

3.Are there any opportunities for impact in 2016-2019 that we would miss under the proposals?

4. Which issues offer the best opportunities for global or regional campaigns in 2016-2019?

Proposal 1. Exercising fundamental freedoms. This focussed on human rights education, improved protection on human rights & safer environment for human rights defenders.

There were some reservations about the scope, whether AI was spreading itself too thinly. It was felt to be not sufficiently focussed in places but overall the group broadly agreed with these proposals.

Proposal 2.  Securing rights for all. This focussed on reducing discrimination, improving rights & increasing recognition by states of human rights.

The group felt that while broadly agreeing with the proposals this section lacked clarity & focus & would need more work done on it. There was too much jargon, it needed to be simplified & the ideas made clearer.

Proposal 3. Responding to crisis: This focussed on reducing transfer of arms, increased access to safety for people fleeing torture.

The group broadly agreed with this & felt AI should do more work on shaming of governments.

Proposal 4. Ensuring accountability: This focussed on human rights governance & accountability & corporate accountability.

While the group did broadly agree with this it did feel that there was need for greater clarity & the ideas made clearer.

Proposal 5. Increasing organisational effectiveness: This focussed on growth of digital capabilities:

While the group did broadly agree with this section again we though it & contained too much jargon & needed further clarification.

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