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Minutes Group Meeting April 14th 2014

Minutes of Belfast Amnesty Group Meeting April 14th  2014

Attending:  Paddy, Rosie, Heiko, Paul, Carolyn, Leo, Kirsty, Helen, Carmel, Beatrice

Apologies: Claudia

 AGM: Paul went through the main resolutions of the AIUK AGM of 12-13 April 2014 & advised which resolutions were carried. He advised the main area of debate was the sex workers resolution. He advised how, despite the Chair advising people only to vote in favour of one resolution,  2 opposing resolutions were carried (decriminalisation & no policy) & AIUK now has to decide how to proceed with this. He advised the impression was that many people were unsure how to vote & were waiting to hear the arguments. It was heated at times but was an interesting debate. Paul explained the workshops, working parties & plenary process at the AGM.

Another resolution of interest to the group that Paul spoke of was the resolution improving linking AIUK member with local groups. The group agreed this was a good idea.

Beatrice advised she’d email the group a brief description of each of the resolutions & whether they were carried or not.

Paul advised he attended the torture campaign workshop. Beatrice attended the My Body, My Rights as one of the countries that will be the focus of this is Ireland, including N Ireland. There will be further information on this campaign which the group has signed up to campaign on.

Social Media: Heiko has updated the local group page for the group on the AI UK website. He has included information on meetings & upcoming events. As the group didn’t have anyone looking after this & it’s social media now that Barbra is no longer involved the group felt that is very positive that this area is now being looked after. Heiko asked for minutes from previous meeting so he could put these in the webpage archives, Beatrice advised she’d forward these.

Group Planning Pack: We have signed up for the following campaigns for 2014

  1. My Body, My Rights – Helen advised she’ll take the lead on this
  2. Stop Torture - Carmel advised she’ll take the lead on this.
  3. Violence Against Women in Afghanistan – Beatrice will continue taking the lead with this
  4. IAR – we will continue campaigning for Agnes Uwimana Nkusi. Agnes is due to be released in July. We agreed that if that happens we would then decide on taking on another case.
  5. Urgent Actions – we will continue to be part of the UA network. It was agreed that Beatrice would forward 2 UAs a month to the group & if anyone wanted to do more than this then further UAs can be sent to them.

Upcoming Events:

May Day March & Rally May 3rd. Meeting at 11.30am in Donegall Street. Speeches at 11.45, March starts 12.

Launch of AI NI Trade Union Network is on 8th May at 5.30pm at Belfast Unemployed Resource Centre  at 45 Donegall Street.

Beatrice advised she’d send further details about these 2 events soon.

Leo suggested a speaker from Zimbabwe for an upcoming event. He will look into organising this.

Zimbabwe: Carolyn updated the group on the latest AI news. She advised that Zimbabwe will be one of the main focusses of the work of the South African regional hub. Carolyn also advised that on the AIUK website is an inspiring video from Jeni Williams of  Women Of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA) praising WOZA’s relationship with AI.


  1. Signed letters for group  IAR  Rwandan Agnes Uwimana Nkusi
  2. Signed a petition for imprisoned Papuan activists.
  3. Signed cards calling for justice from S African authorities over the murder of LGBTI activist Noxolo Nogwaza
  4. Signed letters calling for USA to take action to protect civilians in Central African Republic.

Next meeting: May 12th at 7.45pm at 397 Ormeau Road.  Agenda to follow.

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