Minutes of Group Meeting 9th January 2017
Attending: Claudia, Carolyn, Paddy, Brian, Paul, Renas, Fionnuala, Carmel, Liz, Pearse, Beatrice, Makhosi, Seifu
Apologies: Grainne, Heiko
Welcome: Carolyn welcomed everyone to the meeting.
December minutes: Paul advised a correction was needed to the item advising on an update on the case of John Teterissa. The part advising about the embassy meeting with a local group was inaccurate as the meeting was on a number of issues, not just this case.
Good News:
- AIUK advised that 650 people were released in 2016.
- The better than expected donations for the campaign work to end FGM & child marriage in Burkina Faso has meant even more girls & women have been helped.
- EU companies are now banned from advertising instruments of torture on websites
- 170 000 people signed the petition sent to Liz Truss to urging of the need to keep the Human Rights Act.
NI Regional Conference: Fionnuala has contacted Patrick Corrigan to start the discussion on dates/location etc. Fionnuala has suggested a possible date of 25th February. The principal suggested topic for the conference was refugees, everyone in the group agreed with this. The Human Rights Act was also suggested.
AIUK AGM/Conference: The group discussed who is considering attending & possible help with funding from AIUK & the group. Beatrice to send an email to the mailing list to see how many are interested in attending.
Refugee & Asylum Issues: Paul spoke on the campaign & advised it has been going for a few month. Seifu highlighted that City of Sanctuary are working on “Schools of Sanctaury” & that AI could get involved with this.
Meetings between group & office: Carolyn advised this hadn’t happened yet this year but Carolyn, Brian & Fionnuala will move forward with this.
Recent Events:
Write for Rights: Feedback was that it was positive, successful event. 112 cards & 21 letters were written. The location & time was popular. Thanks go to Helen for organising the location.
Citizen Four Screening: Feedback was positive. A very interesting & timely documentary. Thanks to Claudia for organising.
Christmas dinner: This was a fun, social event, enjoyed by all who attended.
West Africa Action: The group wrote letters continuing to pressure the government of Burkina Faso to eliminate child marriage.
Group AGM: The annual group AGM will take place during February’s meeting with Chair, Secretary & Treasurer reporting to the group.
Claudia advised the lawyer for Jacqueline Montanez has told that Jackie is very appreciative of the cards & letters that she is receiving & asks that they continue to be sent.
Brian updated the group on the Ibrahim Halawa, an Irish citizen imprisoned in Egypt.