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Amnesty International UK
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Leaving a gift to Amnesty © Amnesty

For more information take a look at our Gifts in Wills Guide page or contact Emma or Christina by either:


Tel:  020 7033 1627

What difference could your legacy make?

  • £500 could cover the cost of setting up 'Alert Committees' to help prevent child marriages by letting authorities know when girls are at risk.
  • £5,000 could pay for media fellowships in developing countries for four journalists, enabling them to report and raise awareness of human rights violations. – change to percentage
  • Leaving a 10% share of £300,000 estate could enable us to conduct two human rights investigations in crisis countries with security equipment, satellite imagery and forensic support.

Did you know?

Around 20% of Amnesty International UK’s funds come from gifts in Wills. Legacies are therefore vital in sustaining our Human Rights work.