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This page is for members of our Trade Union Network and global trade union partners to feed into our strategic goals.

Please read the guidance note before responding.

For more information, please contact Shane Enright, our Global Trade Union Adviser.

Phone: 020 7033 1569

About this consultation

Our next overarching strategy will shape our work and priorities. It will run from 2016 to 2019.

We are very keen to have the views and input of our union partners. Shane Enright, our Global Trade Union Adviser, has been mandated to solicit and support your contributions.
There will be three phases of consultation. This questionnaire covers the first phase, which runs until the end of May 2014. At this point we want your input into the ‘big picture’ of global human rights change and where (and how) Amnesty International should contribute to human rights change.

There are four questions which we would encourage you to respond to before the end of May. Between August and October 2014 we will be consulting on the first draft of the proposed strategic goals, including a variety of options, and there will be a further consultation between January and May of next year on a second draft of the goals.

Guidance note and tips for submitting