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Resource: Human rights through poetry

Students take part in a workshop run by poet Paul Lyalls © AI/Carmen Valino

What makes poetry powerful and how can you express your personal response to human rights? Poets who write about human rights can generate empathy by connecting the reader/listener to experiences of rights being enjoyed, denied or defended.

These lesson plans aim to help students explore the choices that poets make and experiment with their own writing.

Further poetry education resources are available at Words That Burn

Poetry - lesson plan
Poetry - resource sheet 1 UDHR summary
Poetry - resource sheet 2 street scene illustration
Poetry - resource sheet 3 words from Bedecked
Poetry - resource sheet 4 Bedecked by Victoria Redel
Poetry - resource sheet 5 selection of poems
Poetry - resource sheet 6 Amnesty logo
Poetry - resource sheet 7 Hamra (Red) Night by Saadi Youssef
Poetry - resource sheet 8 words from The right word
Poetry - resource sheet 9 The right word by Imtiaz Dharker
Poetry - resource sheet 10 Push the Week by Jackie Kay
Poetry - resource sheet 11 Glasgow Snow (for S) by Jackie Kay
Poetry - resource sheet 12 ideas to get you started