UK: Entries invited for annual media awards
Amnesty International is inviting entries for its 16th annual Media Awards, which recognise excellence in journalism that has made a significant contribution to the UK public’s greater awareness and understanding of human rights issues.
Categories to enter in the sought-after awards are:
- National newspapers
- Periodicals, including weekend national print magazines and supplements
- Photojournalism
- Radio
- Television documentary and docudrama
- Television news
- Nations and Regions Award: print or broadcast media in Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland and the English regions
- Gaby Rado Memorial Award: for an up-and-coming journalist who has been covering human rights stories for less than five years.
The winners in 2006 were:
- National Newspapers: Iraq special report, The Observer – Peter Beaumont
- Periodicals: Beasts of prey, The Sunday Times Magazine – Christine Toomey
- Photo Journalism: Rwanda - facing the virus, Positive Lives exhibition - Stuart Freedman
- Radio: Reports from rural China, BBC Radio 4 - Rupert Wingfield Hayes
- TV Documentary and docudrama: Asylum, BBC – Amanda Richardson, Peter Gordon
- TV News: Conflict - tin: Congo's tin soldiers, Channel 4 News - ITN
- Nations & Regions: Tales from the edge, the Glasgow girls, BBC Scotland, Lindsey Hill and Simon Parsons
- Gaby Rado: Human rights in the former Soviet Union, The Guardian - Nick Paton Walsh
The closing date for receipt of this year’s entries is Friday 30 March.
Entries for awards must have been published or transmitted in the UK between the 17th March 2006 and 30 March 2007. For further information about criteria and eligibility, guidelines and entry forms visit or email: , or telephone 020 7033 1646.
Find out more about the Amnesty International UK Media Awards /p>