Press releases
Iran: Execution of Alireza Akbari condemned

Responding to reports that the UK-Iranian dual-national Alireza Akbari has been executed in Iran, Freshta Sharif, Amnesty International UK’s Individuals at Risk Campaign Manager, said:
“This is absolutely terrible news and once again shows how pitifully little respect the Iranian authorities have for the right to life.
“Alireza Akbari’s fate is particularly horrific given the human rights abuse he reportedly suffered in detention, including torture, being held in prolonged solitary confinement and being forced to repeatedly make false confessions.
“Alireza was convicted of the supposed crime of ‘spreading corruption on earth’, which we’ve repeatedly condemned for falling far short of international legal standards.
“We need to see UK officials doing their utmost to investigate allegations that Alireza was tortured and pursuing all avenues to hold those responsible in Iran to account.
“The application of universal jurisdiction should remain an option, with the possibility of a criminal trial being held in the UK or elsewhere outside of Iran if there is sufficient evidence available.”