More about Team Amnesty

Team Amnesty is an inspirational group of Amnesty International UK supporters who walk, run, cycle, bake, game, sing, throw themselves out of planes and even memorise Shakespeare Sonnets in order to raise funds for Amnesty’s crucial work.
The team have a number of places in world famous events such as the London Marathon and host their own events such as Amnesteacoffee morning or live music events like Jamnesty.
Together, the money raised through all the different challenges, will help Amnesty UK's mission to protect human rights across the world.
If you would like to join Team Amnesty, we'd love to have you on board. Check out different ways to get involved below and sign up to a challenge today. Alternatively, if you have any questions, are interested in sponsoring our programme or need any support, please contact team@amnesty.org.uk.
Running events
Cycling challenges
Trek uk and overseas
Community events
your own challenge
You can learn more about how you can get involved with Team Amnesty here.