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Sutton Amnesty GDPR Policy

Sutton Amnesty - Protecting your data

This document tells you how Sutton Amnesty applies the UK General Data Protection Regulation. This is our GDPR policy note. 

We will handle your data as set out below. The basis under which we will manage your data is ‘legitimate interests’.

What data do we store?

We store our members’ contact details including (but limited to) names, e-mail addresses, telephone/WhatsApp numbers, addresses, dates of joining and details of any specific roles or posts within Sutton Amnesty.

We may store similar details (including details of their roles or posts) for members, staff or officers of AIUK or other Amnesty Groups.

How will we use your data?

We will use the data outlined above solely to facilitate the business of Sutton Amnesty and as such it may be shared only with the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and any member of Sutton Amnesty leading a task (for example an event or particular campaign) on behalf of the Group.

On no account will your data be shared with any other third party without your express permission, which we would seek at the time.

Additional data usage, specifically for photographs, videos and telephone numbers in WhatsApp groups, will be treated as follows:

  • photographs and / or videos of members taken at Amnesty events may be used for publicity purposes; names will not be disclosed without your express permission.
  • WhatsApp numbers may be used to form a WhatsApp group in which case your number will be visible to other members of the WhatsApp group. You would be included only if you accept the invitation to join and you would have the right to leave at any time. WhatsApp Group Administrator(s) will be identified and have absolute discretion to admit other members.     

What rights do you have?

You may at any time in relation to your data:

  • request a copy of the data Sutton Amnesty hold
  • ask for your data to be corrected or deleted
  • raise concerns or object to uses.

Sutton Amnesty will respond to any request in relation to your rights and implement any changes within three weeks from receiving full information.

How long will we hold the data for?

We will hold contact information for as long as you are a member of the Group.

If you cease to be a member we will dispose of it securely.  

Who within Sutton Amnesty is responsible for your data?

Sutton Amnesty (as represented for this purpose collectively by its Chair, Secretary and Treasurer who shall be required to reach unanimous agreement) is the Data Controller and decides how your data is used. Any such decisions will be consistent with this notice. If Sutton Amnesty wants to use your data in other ways then it will seek your permission.

Sutton Amnesty may delegate responsibilities for handling data to other members of the Group who will be Data Processors. Data Processors must act consistently with the GDPR policy   

How do we store your data?

Your data will be stored electronically and be at all times password protected.

Where can I find out more about data protection?

The ICO is the UK’s independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals. Their website is here:

Your responsibilities

You should treat the data of Sutton Amnesty members in a way that is consistent with this note.

Any other questions?

If you have any further questions then please contact our Secretary at


Notice: 27 May 2024  

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