Next meeting, 6 December 2021, 8.00 pm (Virtual Meeting)

Our next meeting will take place on Monday 6 December 2021 at 8.00 pm via Zoom (virtual meeting). Please get in contact with our Group Secretary if you want to join the meeting.
We will be featuring the annual Amnesty “Write For Rights” Campaign. This unique campaign features the stories of 10 individuals, communities and organisations worldwide whose rights are being abused and who urgently need our support. Participants are encouraged to send or email a message of solidarity to let these people know we are thinking of them. Participants are also encouraged to write a letter appealing to those with the power to stop the abuse.
There will be short updates on our group campaigns and new urgent actions, followed by a “zoom social” - where people can chat over festive drinks and mince pies!
Please join us for our meeting. All are very welcome!