About this group

Amnesty International Stockport Group is only one of over 280 all over the country. Members have been campaigning and fundraising for Amnesty since 1971. Recently the group has been expanding and we are now a very diverse bunch, but we all work together on Amnesty's wide range of campaigns.
Local groups are vital to the work of Amnesty. By joining Stockport Group you could be involved in:
- Raising awareness about human rights in your local area
- Organising events and stalls
- Fundraising
- Getting Amnesty into your local press and radio
- Lobbying your MPs and MEPs
- Writing letters to Prisoners of Conscience and the people responsible for their detention
- Supporting Amnesty in our global campaigns
Whether you're an old hand at grass roots campaigning, or you've never done anything like this at all, you'll enjoy meeting like-minded people and really making a difference.
The Stockport Group is only one of over 280 all over the country. Members have been campaigning and fundraising for Amnesty since 1971. Recently the group has been expanding and we are now a very diverse bunch, but we all work together on Amnesty's wide range of campaigns.