Summer 2023 - an update

During the summer 2023 Perth Amnesty Group members have enjoyed organising stalls raising awareness about Amnesty at an indoor Market in Perth, at the Perthshire Pride Event and during Freshers week at the University of the Highlands and Islands Perth Campus.(UHI).
Many participants at Perthshire Pride signed the petition calling for the legal recognition of transgender people in Paraguay.
As a result of interest shown at the Perth UHI freshers week stall, the Group intends to maintain contact with the UHI Students Association and work with them to support and encourage student involvement in Amnesty and in the Group’s future fundraising activities.
The Group has also held a number of fundraising stalls at a Perthshire fruit farm where, with the generous support of the farmer, members of the public pick as many blueberries as they can within a couple of hours, in exchange for a charitable donation to Amnesty. We intend to continue holding these stalls throughout October ( weather permitting!)