Minehead Group's July/August 2024 newsletter

Our July/August 2024 newsletter includes the usual items of actions you can take this month, diary dates and campaign news. And our news from the group includes a write up of our recent, successful Amnestea.
Here is a report from Alison: On July 18 Susan hosted another of her renowned AmnesTeas on a perfect summer’s day. Members of Minehead Amnesty group and supporters enjoyed a variety of activities, including a difficult one where you had to track down the flags hidden throughout the beautiful garden then match them to their countries. Our stall raised awareness about the plight of girls and women in Afghanistan, and we signed letters on behalf of two cases in Bangladesh: Selim Khan, a blogger who annoyed the authorities with his atheist views and was thrown into prison; and over 100 members of the indigenous Bawn community arrested for protesting against military activities on their traditional land. The book stall and home produce stall attracted many buyers, and the raffle was well-supported. But perhaps the main attraction was, as ever, the tea and home-made cakes. Thank you to everyone who came and especially to all who helped by putting up (and taking down) the gazebos, carrying tables and chairs, making cakes, and working hard in the kitchen to ensure everyone got the right orders. Special thanks to Jenny Lennon Wood for coming from Weymouth to join us. Above all, thank you to Susan who made such a perfect event possible, at which nearly £500 was raised for Amnesty International.