Minehead Group's April 2023 newsletter

Our April 2023 newsletter from the Minehead Local Group reports on our annual quiz, which raised £277. Attendance still wasn't back to pre-Covid levels but everyone who came enjoyed the evening. Once again, Amnesty member, Jean Humber, set interesting and entertaining questions to get us all thinking. Many thanks to her, to those who donated raffle prizes and to everyone who took part.
Other items include a report of the SW Regional Conference which three Minehead members attended in Exeter. It was good to see the return of a full and interesting full day conference.
Actions and diary dates are set out in the newsletter, together with news of various Amnesty campaigns - the UK Government's Immigration Bill, human rights in India, political repression in Iran and apartheid in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The next event for the group is a letter writing afternoon on Wednesday 12 April at the Beach Hotel, Minehead from 1430 to 1600. All welcome.
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- Minehead AI Group newsletter April 2023