Marking Refugee Week in Minehead

The Minehead AI Local Group marked Refugee Week 2021 in various ways. On 14 June, we listened via Zoom to a very interesting, informative and authoritative talk about Syria by Kristyan Benedict, Campaign Manager in AIUK's Crisis and Tactical Team. A short report of the talk is included in our June/July newsletter. (See separate blog.)
In addition, two of our members held fund-raising events to support seaside holidays in Minehead for some of the Syrian refugee families settled in Bridgwater, Taunton and Wellington. These events - a coffee and flapjack morning and an afternoon tea party - were very well supported by our generous friends and neighbours and the two events raised a total of £735. Both events were blessed with sunny weather and were enjoyable ways to raise money for a local good cause. People who came along were very pleased to be able to support a practical initiative to help Syrian refugees.