Amnesty Minutes Medway Group April 8th 2013
Amnesty Minutes Medway Group April 8th 2013
Amnesty International Medway Group Minutes April 8th 2013
Present: Mary Smith, Rosemary Osgood, Annie Skelton, Carol Gravestock
Apologies: Ted Wilcox
Correspondence: Group News handed out, still copies available. In the March action a petition on Afghanistan which the group signed(part of the ending violence against women action). Mary had received the CVS news with North Kent Training information. Rosemary outlined the e-mail correspondence from AIUK regarding the Arms Trade Treaty. At the UN general assembly there were 154 votes in favour of an agreement to regulate the $100 bn arms trade. See (paper information also available. Locally Mary/Ted had favourable response from Rehman Christie MP for Gillingham
Treasurers Report and Fund Raising
£ 563 in account – report will be presented at the AGM in May 2013
Stall at Dickens booked for Saturday June 1st - where information/petitions will be available
Street Collection 20th July 2013 in Rochester High Street from 10am – come and shake a tin
Report on CAPS
Nothing to report
Poverty & Human Rights Campaign
Report on Death Penalty
Mary had 6 urgent actions – this was Yeman
Report on Action File
After some discussion it appears to be still on-going - Ian to investigate further
Action from AIUK
This month’s action was a petition regarding the plight of the Roma people throughout Europe – some group members signed – this is part of an on- going campaign – Petition will be available at the Dickens Fair. Our group had a very lively discussion regarding the Roma and one member had first hand knowledge as she visits Roma families
Planning for AGM 2013
Mary will do notification and send out. Our speaker Richard Solly will speak about Mining and Human Rights. Meeting begins at 8.00pm speaker at 8.30pm
Any other business
Rose to e-mail Ian re Dickens
Carol has audited books at her house for Ian to collect
Date of Next meeting:
MAY 13TH - AGM – PLEASE SOME AND SUPPORT US so our vital work can continue