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Annual General Meeting

Minutes of Medway Group of Amnesty International

13th May 2013

Attendees:  Mary Smith, Rosemary Corner Osgood, Ian Gray, Carol Gravestock, Annie Skelton, Joan Wade

Apologies for Absence: Ted Wilcox

Approval of minutes of previous AGM proposed Rosemary Corner Osgood, seconded Joan Wade

Chairperson’s Report: Mary Smith reported on the events of 2012.

All but one of the monthly actions from AIUK were completed by members

In March Rosemary gave a talk to The Soroptimists this was about the work of Amnesty with a particular emphasis on women and Afghanistan. Mary and Rosemary had a stand at the International Women’s day event in Gillingham (this was not well attended due to location)

Marilyn Jarrett led a workshop on Afghan women’s issues - after the AGM in April 2012

In May Mary took cards to Love Music Hate Racism Festival in Chatham in May. Some interest was shown and cards were given out.

June saw us at the Dickens Festival once again – where we had a stall in the Moat of Rochester Castle. Lots of leaflets, action postcards were given out. Interest was quite high and a contact with a university was made.

July we had a street collection in Rochester which was reasonable successful.

September saw Rosemary and Mary host a stall in the Kent University campus (part of volunteer recruiting) we gave out some literature and spoke to students

Our Christmas card stall in St Mary Magdalene’s Church in Gillingham raised money for group funds and raised the profile of the local group

At the stall in Rochester Cathedral crypt in December we made £ 4.60 in donations towards postage and £13.00 from sale of Christmas cards. We also gave out details of the Write for Rights Campaign leaflets.  – thanks to new member Duncan and other members for supporting this.

Members also held an evening writing Wright for Rights cards

Its seems when it is all written down, that as a small group we are not doing too badly

Mary thanked all in the group for their efforts and for Keith Gravestock for auditing our books.



Treasurers Report

Ian reported £ 172 in expenditure, end of year 31/12/12 £333.00  current balance of £ 560.00

Proposed Annie Skelton Seconded Rosemary Corner Osgood

Election of Officers

Current Chair Mary Smith, Treasurer Ian Gray Treasurer, Secretary Rosemary Corner Osgood were prepared to stand for a further year – there were no other nominations

Proposed Carol Gravestock Seconded Joan Wade

Setting of membership subscription – some discussion but proposed to set at zero for a further year

Proposed Carol Gravestock, Seconded Ian Gray

The AGM closed at 8.30pm and was followed by Richard Solley who gave a very interesting talk on Mining and human rights – http:///london Mining