Weekly Action and News 09/09/2022
Manchester Amnesty Weekly Action and News
Please do this action and make a difference
Don’t deport asylum seekers to Rwanda
The new Prime Minister and Home Secretary have both said that they will pursue (and would even want to extend) the cruel and inhumane plan to deport asylum seekers, including torture survivors, to Rwanda. Freedom from Torture (FfT) are renewing their campaign to persuade the various airlines who could be involved in these deportation flights that this would not only be immoral but bad for their businesses. FfT are contacting big football clubs who use these airline companies to try to get their support. We had an action on this topic in June, but with the case challenging the legality of the government’s Rwanda plan currently before the High court, time is running out. Please take action today. Forward to any football supporting friends. If you have friends in Spain who could get involved please also forward them the link below. If you would like to get involved in our Refugee rights subgroup, please let me know alison.wearden@gmail.com.
September Monthly Online Group Meeting, Monday September 12th, 7.00-8.30pm
Focus on Racial Justice and Anti-Racism
At the September monthly online meeting, we are pleased to welcome Ilyas Nagdee, the AIUK Racial Justice Lead who will talk to us about Amnesty’s work to achieve racial justice. There will be the opportunity to discuss our own anti-racism work with Ilyas and to think about future actions and campaigns. And of course, you will also be able to catch up on all our other work and news.
Everyone is welcome, including new members. Please look out for an email with the zoom link.
Events coming up soon!
AIUK have arranged for Mike Reed to present his talk “Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians – The Amnesty Report and Campaign” at 2 online sessions on Monday 12 September at 5.30pm and Wed 14 September at 6.00pm. Our members can join if they wish. Please let Mike Reed know if you wish to join one of these meetings so that he can arrange for AIUK to send you the joining link, mikewreed101@gmail.com/ 07766 083765
Our next appeal writing drop-in session will take place in the Café of Manchester Central Library on 24th September, 2-4pm. More details to follow
Members may be interested in this event at the Friends Meeting House on 27th September