Wednesday 20 May 6pm: Defending human rights under the COVID-19 pandemic

How to defeat the pandemic and protect human rights.
A conversation with Amnesty International UK about challenges to human rights in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK and worldwide.
Join an online meeting of Amnesty activists on Wednesday 20 May at 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM, to hear two of Amnesty's experts talk about the pandemic and human rights, and what we can do to get healthy while staying free:
- Tim Gee, Human Rights in the UK Campaign Manager
- Sena Atici, Campaigns Coordinator, Individuals at Risk
Email Alexis Hatto via this link (or alexis.hatto@amnesty.org.uk) by no later than 5:30 PM on 20 May to receive instructions for joining the Jitsi call.
Please feel free to ask a question for the panellists ahead of time and (optionally) let us know where you'll be calling from and if you're from a local group.
We look forward to seeing you there and then!