Diss Amnesty at the Burston Strike School Rally

Diss Amnesty is known for its 2nd hand bookstall at the annual Burston Strike School Rally packed with a wide range of hardbacks and paperbacks, fiction and non-fiction, political and non-political, 50p for paperbacks, £1 for hardbacks.
We also have t-shirts and tote bags from Amnesty's Trade Union Network and information on affiliation to Amnesty for trade unions, along with other Amnesty resources plus pocket guides on human rights, anti-racism along with badges & stickers.
And our stall wouldn't be complete without Jackie's fabulous knitted collectables - mittens, beanies and beautifully knitted creatures and people in their finery.
Come visit us and say hello and then visit the many other stalls, local grassroots campaigns alongside national trade unions. There's always an excellent line up of speakers on the stage plus performance poets and musicians. And at @ 1 pm many of the attendees gather up the union banners and march along the Candlestick Route first walked by the children demonstrating at the sacking of their teachers, Annie and Tom Higdon back in 1914 at the start of the longest strike in UK history.
Visit the Burston Strike School Rally facebook page for up to date info.