Continuing our weekly vigils in Diss

Every weekend since Christmas Eve '23, we've gathered for a vigil calling for an immediate ceasefire, an end to the siege, an end to the occupation and an end to Israeli apartheid.
If there is space, we line up along the railings in front of No8 Marketplace in Diss. If that space is taken we line up from the end of Diss Museum and wind around the market place itself. We stand in line for about 10 minutes and then slowly walk down Mere Street to Mere's Mouth, stand there awhile and then walk slowly back to the market place where we stand in silence for a few minutes before going our own ways.
We don't fly flags or chant but we hold placards which proclaim our messages loud and clear.
Saturdays, 10 - 10.45 am - do please come join us.