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Amnesty International UK
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Team Amnesty London Run 10km Event Registration

Thank you for joining Team Amnesty. Please fill out this form to register for your Team Amnesty charity place for RunLondon 

There is a £30 registration fee. If you have difficulties filling in the form, get in touch:

About you:


We’d also love to keep you updated about our work by phone and email, including information about our campaigns, fundraising appeals and events – and the impact we have by working together.

Please keep in touch by email
Are you 18 or over?
As you are under 18, please tell us your date of birth so that we can send you information relevant to you.
Gender identity
How would you reach target

Running vest details:

Vest type:
Vest size:
Would you like your vest personalised?
Does your employer offer Matched Giving?

If you are applying to join Team Amnesty through one of our corporate partnerships, please let us know here:​


Please read the terms and conditions below, and tick the box if you are happy to accept them.

By completing this registration to join Team Amnesty, I confirm that I agree to the following:

- that Amnesty International UK will pass my name and email address to the event organisers solely for the purpose of completing my registration and securing my place on the event.

- that I pledge to fundraise £450 and since Amnesty International UK has a limited number of guaranteed places, I will try my best to reach this target. 

- I pledge to have sent Amnesty UK any outstanding sponsorship by six weeks after the event.

- I acknowledge that I participate in the RideLondon-Essex 100 at my own risk and that Amnesty International UK will not be held responsible for any injury or illness resulting from my participation in the event. I will undertake suitable training and consult my GP if I have any concerns regarding health or injury.

- In the event of being unable to participate due to injury or any other issue, I understand that I must let Amnesty UK know as soon as possible so that my place can be cancelled. If I cancel, I understand that it may not be possible to carry my place over to the 2026 event.

- Amnesty UK reserves the right to use any photographs from the event for future promotion.


*The London Marathon Group is the event partner used by Amnesty International UK to access charity places for the RideLondon-Essex 100. It is necessary for us to provide them with a name and email address to initiate the process of registering your participation in the event. You will receive an email from them prompting you to complete your event registration once this form is complete. You can view their privacy policy here


* Mandatory information we require to administrate your request.

* Your information will be held securely by Amnesty International United Kingdom Section – a limited company registered in England (01735872), and Amnesty International UK Section Charitable Trust - a charity registered in England & Wales (1051681) and in Scotland (SC039534).

You can change how you hear from us at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in our emails or by emailing

At Amnesty International UK, we believe you have the right to privacy and we take our responsibility for defending that right seriously. We will never sell or swap your personal information with anyone else. To find out more about how we use your information, please read our privacy notice.