Gift Aid - SMS
By signing up for Gift Aid you can give us an extra 25p on top of every £1 you've already given to us and it won't cost you a penny.
Gift Aid increases the value of the kind donations you have already made, (and any you might make in the future). If you are a UK tax payer, we can claim back the tax you've paid on your donations for the last four financial years.
Most people easily qualify for Gift Aid - for example: if you've donated £100 you would only need to have paid £25 in tax. See our frequently asked questions for more information.
Donate to Amnesty with Gift Aid
Gift Aid - Frequently asked questions
What Is Gift Aid?
Gift Aid is a government scheme that allows charities to reclaim tax already paid on donations they receive. Signing up means that for every £1 you donate, we will receive an extra 25p back from HM Customs & Revenue. So a donation of £100 would be worth £125 to Amnesty.
Why is it urgent that I sign up now?
So we can put this extra Gift Aid money to work on our urgent campaigns as soon as possible. Also because we can only claim back Gift Aid for four previous financial years. So if you've been a supporter for a while, waiting could mean we miss out on some income related to your previous donations.
Am I eligible to sign up for Gift Aid?
In each year you need to have paid tax equal to the amount we will reclaim - currently 25p for every £1 you donate. Both Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax qualify. And it doesn't matter what rate of tax you pay, just the overall amount of tax that you have paid.
For example: If you gave us £100, we would claim back £25, so you need to have paid just £25 tax in that year.
I have already agreed to Gift Aid for another Charity, do I have to sign up again?
Yes, you need to give separate permission for Gift Aid to each charity you support.
Can I Gift Aid if I am a pensioner?
As a pensioner you may still pay tax on a private pension plan or savings account, or you may pay capital gains tax if you sell property or shares. As long as you have paid enough tax during the year to cover your donations, you can Gift Aid them.