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Amnesty International UK
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Amnesty International UK Charitable Trust

Amnesty International UK is divided into two legal entities – the UK Section and the Charitable Trust – and each has its own constitution and Board.

The UK Section is our membership arm and it is responsible for much of our work, including campaigning and communications.

For historical legal reasons the Section cannot be a charity. But we do carry out some activities that are considered charitable under UK Laws. So, to ensure we can maximise benefit from your generous donations we formed a Charitable Trust to fund those activities, including our education, research and awareness-raising work.

What the Trust does

As with the Section, the key aim of the Trust is to promote the rights set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It specifically focusses on funding work on:
  • Monitoring human rights abuses
  • Educating the public about human rights
  • Raising awareness of human rights
  • Researching human rights issues
  • Seeking justice for victims of abuses
  • Advocating for human rights on an international level
The charity number for Amnesty International UK Section Charitable Trust is 1051681.

The role of Trustees

The Charitable Trust is a limited company subject to all statutory regulations governing both charities (the Charity Commission for England and Wales and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator) and companies (Companies House). The Trustees’ role is to ensure we meet these regulations, as well as bringing their personal skills and experience to the governance of the Trust.
All Trustees are appointed by the Board of the UK Section, but they are appointed as individuals and not as representatives of the Section.
A majority are known as independent Trustees, because they are not also Board members of the UK Section. All Trustees must work in the best interests of the Trust when carrying out their duties, and must disregard any conflicting interests from their other activities.
Trustees serve a three-year term of office and can be re-appointed for one further three-year term. If they then want to serve again they must stand down for three years before doing so.

Meet the Trustees

Get in touch

If you would like to contact us about the governance of Amnesty International UK email .

Articles 2021