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Thank you, you’re amazing

Find out more about women like Nasrin who are standing against Iran’s forced veiling laws.

Thank you, you’re amazing

Find out more about women like Nasrin who are standing against Iran’s forced veiling laws.

Now - could you ask someone else to sign?
It only takes 30 seconds to share. Help us build international pressure on the Iranian government to call for Nasrin's immediate release - share her story now. Thank you. 


Find out more about women like Nasrin who are standing against Iran’s forced veiling laws.


Find out more about women like Nasrin who are standing against Iran’s forced veiling laws.

Now - could you ask someone else to sign?
It only takes 30 seconds to share. Help us build international pressure on the Iranian government to call for Nasrin's immediate release - share her story now. Thank you. 


Now - could you ask someone else to sign?
It only takes 30 seconds to share. Help us build international pressure on the Iranian government to call for Nasrin's immediate release - share her story now. Thank you. 



Every action taken has an impact. You've helped stand up for vital human rights work in Iran.

Help us to keep campaigning for Nasrin and other people all over the world who are denied their human rights by making a financial donation if you are able. Thank you.

By donating from this page, your money will go to support the work of Amnesty International UK Section Charitable Trust.


Every action taken has an impact. You've helped stand up for vital human rights work in Iran.

Help us to keep campaigning for Nasrin and other people all over the world who are denied their human rights by making a financial donation if you are able. Thank you.

By donating from this page, your money will go to support the work of Amnesty International UK Section Charitable Trust.


Every action taken has an impact. You've helped stand up for vital human rights work in Iran.

Help us to keep campaigning for Nasrin and other people all over the world who are denied their human rights by making a financial donation if you are able. Thank you.

By donating from this page, your money will go to support the work of Amnesty International UK Section Charitable Trust.


Every action taken has an impact. You've helped stand up for vital human rights work in Iran.

Help us to keep campaigning for Nasrin and other people all over the world who are denied their human rights by making a financial donation if you are able. Thank you.

By donating from this page, your money will go to support the work of Amnesty International UK Section Charitable Trust.

Please email the Iranian authorities asking them to immediately and unconditionally release Nasrin.

Free Human Rights Lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh

Nasrin is facing 38 years in prison and 148 lashes for her peaceful human rights work. She is a human rights lawyer who has dedicated her life to defending women’s rights.

Read more

Nasrin was given the harshest sentence possible after two grossly unfair trials, and was separated from her husband and two children - just for saying women should be able to wear what the want.

Nasrin was out of prison on medical leave but she was arrested while she attended the funeral of a teenager in Tehran.

Now, it is essential that the Iranian authorities unconditionally release Nasrin on a permanent basis. 

Unfair treatment of women in Iran

Women and girls in Iran are not allowed to leave their homes unless they cover their hair with a headscarf and cover up their arms and legs with loose clothing. 

A movement against the compulsory hijab erupted in Iran in 2017 when one woman staged a solo act of resistance. She removed her headscarf and silently waved it on the end of a stick. 

Countless women across the country joined her, staging their own protests. They become known as the “Girls of Revolution Street.”

Nasrin defended some of these women and is now paying the price.

Help free Nasrin

Nasrin has been targeted before. In 2010 she was sentenced to six years in prison for her human rights work. But when thousands of people like you stood up to demand her freedom, she was pardoned and released. Our campaign worked then, it can work again for Nasrin now.

Nasrin is not a criminal. She is a human rights defender.

Sign our petition to call for her unconditional release from prison in Iran.


Help us get to 175,000

Please email the Iranian authorities asking them to immediately and unconditionally release Nasrin.

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