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The Human Rights Act Campaign - Week of Action 9-16 April

The Human Rights Act Campaign - Week of Action 9-16 April

The Government is committed to scrapping the Human Rights Act (HRA) and replacing it with a British Bill of Rights. They announced in the Queen’s speech last May that they would consult on this proposal.  We don't know when the government will bring out the consultation. Secretary of State for Justice, Michael Gove, recently said in parliament it would come "soon" but we have been expecting it since last May!

We are preparing for the government’s consultation to come at any time, making sure we keep up momentum to Save the Act while we wait!

When Michael Gove gave evidence to the European Union justice subcommittee in early February he said:

“Not only did Britain play a leading role in establishing those convention rights but, through the medium of the Human Rights Act, we have those convention rights observed  in a far more direct fashion than is the case in one or two other jurisdictions. But even though Britain played a role in establishing the convention in the first place, and even though Britain is, through its courts and its Parliament, determined to play a leading role  in the protection of rights, human rights—it is a source of regret to us—have a bad name in the public square. Human rights have become associated with unmeritorious individuals pursuing through the courts claims that do not command public support or sympathy.”(emphasis added)

The government needs to be reminded that there are people across the country who care about the HRA.

So we're asking you all to be involved in a week of action for the HRA in April, from 9 to 16 April.

Amnesty activists cross the country will be taking action together, in the same week, to put pressure on their politicians, raise the issue in their local media and engage with the public in their area, so that people realise that the HRA is something that many of us are willing to stand up for.

Human Rights Act Campaign update March 2016
Human Rights Act Q&A Public
Letter to local paper
Human Rights Act Petition
Human Rights Act Scotland Petition
Scottish Parliament Election 2016 HRA Activist pack
Scottish Parliament Election 2016 HRA Activist Briefing