Amnesty International UK briefing for House of Lords Committee Day 1 on Government Immigration Bill, HL Bill 133 (clauses 1 & 2)
This briefing is for Day 1 of House of Lords' Committee consideration of the Government's Immigration Bill, HL Bill 133 on 24 May 2023.
Amnesty International has made clear our opposition to this Bill. In this briefing, we draw attention to the particular effect and implications of Clause 1 and 2 of the Bill - with especial focus on the Bill's purpose (Clause 1(1)), how that purpose is to govern the Bill (Clause 1(3)) and the primary provision of the Bill by which that purpose is given effect (Clause 2). It is vital to understand these two Clauses when considering near any and every provision of this Bill, otherwise the full impact of the Bill is liable to be lost.