Wales: Launch of Welsh Language Strategy consultation group
The Welsh Language consultation group is an opportunity to discuss the Welsh language needs of Amnesty International’s members in Wales. The final outcome of this consultation will be the production of a written strategy that provides a high quality Welsh language service for our members.
On the 4th November 2005, the Welsh Language Strategy Consultation Group held its first meeting. In the past, local Amnesty groups and active members have created welsh materials used for campaigning and have had informal consultation with Amnesty International UK about the production of welsh language materials. Building on this previous work, this meeting was the first occasion that a group of Amnesty activists and welsh language consultants had gathered together to discuss the formation of a welsh language work scheme and strategy for Amnesty International UK. The event took place at Aberystwyth University and was a great success. Members of the group travelled from all parts of Wales and discussed their Welsh language needs in the context of Human Rights Education, Campaigning, Fundraising and Media Relations. Many useful ideas were identified and we hope that this will prove to be the first important step in drafting a Welsh Language strategy.
Consultation will continue so that we may build on the work that we have already done. By supporting our members to use the Welsh language in their activism, we hope to increase the number of active members in Wales. Providing for the Welsh language needs of our members will undoubtedly help in our efforts to recruit 1,000,000 people to stand up against Human Rights violations.