Days of poorly regulated global Arms numbered as nations pledge to sign new treaty
The end of an inadequately regulated global Arms moved a step closer late last night after representatives of several nations agreed to sign up to a new Arms Treaty.
The Treaty was adopted by the United Nations in April this year and is open for signature on 3 June, but will only enter into force once 50 of these signatories have ratified it.
Last night at a special Foreign and Commonwealth Office event several nations posed for photographs pledging to sign on 3 June.
Kate Allen, Director of Amnesty International UK, was also at the event. She said:
“Amnesty International first mooted the idea of an Arms Treaty 20 years ago. At the time it was seen as a pipe dream, but now we are moving closer and closer to making it a reality.
“If we can maintain the momentum, soon there will no longer be any hiding place for unscrupulous individuals and states. This Treaty could save the lives of millions. It could stop weapons and munitions getting into the hands of warlords, tyrants and human rights abusers.”