We're the biggest people-powered movement for human rights in the UK, and we depend on people like you to do what we do best: stand up against injustice and help defend human rights for all. We don't take funding from any government for our work, so we can stay independent and speak truth to power.

Donate to Amnesty International UK today and be part of a movement of ordinary people protecting human rights.

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Since 1961, we've helped free over 50,000 people who have been unjustly imprisoned. Together we've brought torturers to justice, we've exposed the truth about human rights violations, and we have made those in power change their ways. We work together for human rights for everyone, everywhere. All donations go to support Amnesty International United Kingdom Section.

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£3 could help us raise awareness to protect someone whose human rights are being abused

£5 could support our campaigns to pressure policy-makers around the world to stop injustice

£10 could help send human rights investigators to document and expose torture and abuse

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