Amnesty UK’s Good Business Charter Accreditation

Accredited with the Good Business Charter
Amnesty International UK is proud to announce that we have been accredited with the Good Business Charter (GBC). This accreditation serves as a testament to our ongoing commitment to responsible business practices, reflecting our dedication to both people and planet. We remain dedicated to promoting human rights and responsible business practices, both locally and globally.
What is the Good Business Charter?
The Good Business Charter is a straightforward accreditation available to organizations in the UK that demonstrate responsible business practices. It evaluates behavior across ten components (nine for charities), providing a comprehensive overview of an organization's commitment to ethical conduct. By signing up to the GBC, companies communicate their values not only to employees but also to the public.
What Sets GBC Apart?
Unlike other standards, the GBC requires organizations to meet commitments in each of its ten areas to receive accreditation. This all-or-nothing approach enhances transparency and credibility, resonating with employees, the public and stakeholders.
Amnesty International UK is honored to be accredited with the Good Business Charter, underscoring our commitment to ethical conduct and accountability. We remain dedicated to promoting human rights and responsible business practices, both locally and globally.
What Are The Components?
Introduce the Nine Components - Charities with 51+ Employees
We are proud to be accredited by the Good Business Charter. The GBC consists of nine components (ten for businesses) and more details for each of these components can be found on their website: www.goodbusinesscharter.com
1. We are a Living Wage Employer who pays directly employed staff and regular contracted staff the regular living wage.
2. We commit to a fair approach to zero or minimal hours contract including giving at least two weeks’ notice for scheduling shifts and still paying shifts cancelled at less than two weeks’ notice. We commit to give proper consideration to providing contracts with guaranteed hours. Both of the above necessary unless requested otherwise by the employee of their own free will.
3. We will have clear, fair and transparent policies that support and encourage employee well-being and ban unreasonable penalties for legitimate sickness.
4. We will engage with worker representatives and ensure there is a voice that represents employees around the boardroom table.
5. We will commit time and money to creating an inclusive workplace. We will monitor the diversity of our workforce, commit to close the gender, disability and ethnicity pay gaps and report on the CEO/worker pay gap.
6. We care about the environment and have an environmental policy which demonstrates the ways in which we are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance.
7. We recognise our commitment to our stakeholders. We publish this commitment on our website and gather and monitor stakeholder feedback, reporting to the board and addressing concerns.
8. We commit to the standards set out in the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code where relevant to our organisation.
9. We are signatories of the government’s Prompt Payment Code. OR We will become signatories of the government’s Prompt Payment Code in the next three months.
More Information:
For more information about the Good Business Charter, visit www.goodbusinesscharter.com.