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Sep 10 2014 5:23PM
US air strikes against ISIS in Syria & arming opposition groups. Some questions

US-led strikes against ISIS positions inside Syria and the arming of armed opposition groups are now a real possibility . However, little is being said about what this may mean for civilians in Syria or the prospect of long-term...

Sep 5 2014 7:20PM
New Radio Clip Promoting International Aid Access in Syria

I recently wrote about the importance of ensuring greater grassroots buy-in for increased humanitarian access into Syria. This is vitally important now that there is a UN Security Council resolution mandating the UN to enter Syria...

Sep 1 2014 11:20PM
Increasing aid access into Syria – building confidence, cooperation & security

“A step change in access is still required that will make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who suffer in the Syrian Arab Republic.” UN Secretary General, 21 August 2014 The UN now having the ability to enter Syria without...

Jun 28 2014 4:55PM
"Return to Homs" - The Audacious Hope of Revolution

"The crisis changed each and every one of us. The challenges changed us, but mostly it was death. Death left its mark in every one of us: we all changed because of the increasing violence, the loss of people close to us, the injustice...

Jun 22 2014 2:00PM
Building Solidarity – what concrete forms of action can we take to support the Syrian People?

It was a pleasure to take part in a conference on June 21 called Syria - Correcting the Narrative, Building Solidarity , held at SOAS in London. The conference was expertly organised by the Center for Middle East Studies, Josef Korbel...

May 27 2014 12:03AM
What is Zahran Alloush doing to help free Razan Zaitouneh and her colleagues?

The road ahead is still long and riddled with obstacles and mines. The end is still blocked, and what lies beyond it remains unknown – what lies beyond the siege, the revolution, and the war. It is a dream binding us all, as though we...

Apr 14 2014 12:53PM
Syrian activist Reem al Assil opens the 2014 Amnesty International UK conference

Amnesty International UK’s national conference opened on April 12 with a speech delivered by Syrian human rights activist, Reem al Assil . What she had to say was melancholic yet ultimately inspiring. Reem has been a friend of Amnesty...

Mar 8 2014 2:47PM
Stand #WithSyria - Trafalgar Square, London at 6pm on 13 March

The situation in Syria is the greatest humanitarian crisis of our times. 15 March marks three years since the start of the Syrian uprising. Now more than ever, we need to stand together to ensure that this is the last anniversary...

Feb 4 2014 4:09PM
Amnesty UK letter to The Times on the use of barrel bombs by the Syrian government

Letters to the editor The Times Tuesday 4 February 2014 Sir, Growing numbers of reports of the use of “barrel bombs” by Syrian government forces in attacks on Aleppo and elsewhere are absolutely reprehensible and...

Jan 1 2014 1:15PM
44 reasons most Syrians will not have a happy new year in 2014

We are a few hours into 2014 and the pattern of human rights violations, abuses, impunity and international inaction that blighted Syria in 2013 (and before) is still happening. Those responsible are contributing to the further misery...

Dec 29 2013 5:35PM
Is Nigel Farage riding a Trojan horse full of “terrorist Muslims” from Syria who want to take over the UK!?

The UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage has said the UK should take in some of the most vulnerable Syrian refugees. He said “there is a responsibility on all of try and help some of those people fleeing Syria, literally in...

Dec 13 2013 1:02AM
10 actions the “International Community” should urgently take to help Syrian refugees

"Syria has become the great tragedy of this century – a disgraceful humanitarian calamity with suffering and displacement unparalleled in recent history.” António Guterres, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 3 September...

Dec 3 2013 10:05PM
Maher's story - a boy trapped in the siege of Daraya

The following is a first-hand account with an 11 year old resident of Daraya in Syria. Daraya has been under siege for the past year by the Syrian government. “My name is Maher (11). I am from besieged Daraya. I have been here under...

Nov 30 2013 7:17PM
Has the Palestinian Authority abandoned victims and their quest for accountability?

One year ago, the UN General Assembly voted to recognize Palestinian statehood . In the year since then, the Palestinian leadership has taken no statesmanlike steps. It has not signed any UN treaties that would protect human rights, or...

Nov 27 2013 12:00PM
Syria: justice or immunity as a step towards transition?

One of the current pre-conditions of the Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC) is that key personnel within the regimes political, military and security structures need to be removed from positions of power for any credible transitional...

Oct 1 2013 1:52AM
Saving Syria's Children - cross border aid delivery is essential

Only the most callous regime apologists would have remained unmoved by BBC Panorama's Saving Syria’s Children documentary aired last night. This was raw, to the bone reporting on a conflict which is literally seeing the skin shredded...

Sep 20 2013 1:00PM
The countries that support referring Syria to the International Criminal Court - and some absent 'friends'

A UN Security Council referral of the miserable situation in Syria to the International Criminal Court (ICC) is vital but is far from certain. Like many other disappointments ordinary Syrians have had to endure from the so-called...

Sep 16 2013 11:55AM
The UNSC has a responsibility to protect civilians in Syria - decisive action is needed now

Time is not on the side of the displaced, the disappeared and the thousands of Syrians in fear of death – which could come any second from a regime ballistic missile or a bullet to the back of the head. If ever there was a time to...

Sep 13 2013 9:44PM
EVENT: Defending Human Rights in Hebron and Area C of the Occupied West Bank. 23 Sep

Details below of a free event at Amnesty International UK. It's very short notice so please share with your networks and on social media. Below the event details are some brief details of new Amnesty reports coming up on Israel /...

Aug 30 2013 6:04PM
Amnesty UK Letter to The Times: Syria - military intervention

Letters to the editor The Times Friday 30 August 2013 Sir, The defeat of the UK government’s initiative to win political support for possible military intervention in Syria shouldn’t blind us to some basic facts. First, that US-led...
